Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 16 June 2011

Thursday 16 June 2011

\Preventing or Transcending Crisis/

The troubles in Greece and the continuing world-wide economic and Market decline are troubling, of course. I have not been predicting terrible things because I don't think that would help---although of course I have been aware of the huge number of difficult aspects formed and forming. Many will blame the eclipse of Wednesday for the Greek and Market crisis. Perhaps, but not just because it is an eclipse, rather because of the hard aspects forming. In my special report on the "Bull or Bear" economy, I mentioned how I had discovered the 12 degrees and 52 minutes of arc orb for hard aspects (square and opposition). On exactly Wednesday an X Cross or Grand Square (the names mean the same thing) formed exactly by that orb, the first day of it! It will not leave us for a month at least.

The forecast for Wednesday may have seemed mild, in relation to what is happening. I often err on the side of optimism, from any harshly realistic perspective, yet I think you understand that I am trying to give hope rather than despair. What I did say in the forecast for Wednesday about protest was certainly applicable to the Greek crisis:

If you need to protest something unfair, your way of doing it needs serious consideration before you wreak destruction. People do not see things in the same way, obviously, so what seems unfair to you does not to someone equally humane but perhaps lacking perspective.

That may seem mild, yet it is on the mark. The protesters in Greece are said by some to be "anarchistic" and some have described themselves as such. The previous comment is something anarchists need to understand. That does not at all diminish the seriousness of the unemployment and other problems they are protesting. Of the Grand Square one might say, "These are the times which try men's souls."

The final paragraph in the report for Wednesday certainly is true for me:

Good aspects forming, including Venus's trine with Saturn, incline toward careful management including money management. So you are building security through good record-keeping among other virtues.

Again that may seem mild in view of the economic problems many are experiencing, but after all, "careful money management" is exactly what all have to practice at such a time. I hope it might be going well for those of you who look to these reports for clues.

Now for Thursday: Today and Friday are the |stressful third of this week| at least from an emotional viewpoint. And so I have to preach a little, because the only way I have found to face such times happily is to keep my faith in the Supreme alive and active, to praise and thank the Lord for what I have, rather than brood overmuch on what seems missing.

Something domestic about the day may interest you, a change at home. A deeper level of things requires the suspension of the ordinary which may seem intimidating at first. Whether there is strife or conflict depends on the level of self-control in people, which at this point in history, at least in Christian and Hindu cultures, is better than it has been in ages past. Still, patience may be tested.

When get-rich-quick schemes fail, as many may have in the past month, there is still hope; and reorientation through clearer thinking. A friend may be true-blue and linked with you psychically or mediumistically if that is desired. Pleasant things are available in abundance whenever you feel you deserve or truly want them.

Smooth potentials seem mysterious because arriving at their fruitage requires time and sacrifice. Pleasing the Invisible means, first, having faith in It. Animists and so-called primitives understand this.

Whether your actions are frivolous, and so considered silly, vain and self-centered; or persuasive, depends on your confidence in yourself and your good opinion of those around you.

A lot can happen quickly; even too quickly. So a crisis may seem in the offing. Healing is possible, and reorientation which prevents a fall, if you are attentive to the inner voice which warns and guides. At such times a renewed link with the Highest is essential.

{Thursday} /Preventing or Transcending Crisis\

Cosmic Piper

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