Sunday, June 26, 2011

Forecast for Monday 27 June 2011

Monday 27 June 2011

\Recaptured Hope/

Reading y: Individuals in your work, or associated with you professionally, may be too inclined toward the outward and superficial, beauty which is unreal rather than real. You may feel of yourself that you are focused on your appearance and personality, wondering why they are so inconsistent or unreal to yourself, neither noble nor vile but a mixture of both. A divine discontent drives you toward the gamble of fresh ideas, or the gamble of wealth, or both. You compete with someone for honors, gain or success. You need to succeed or perish; that need keeps you going. However, at times (see the void-of-course period below) you might feel totally abandoned and lost. The Grand Square is challenging us to get a grip on ourselves.

Reading x: Something remarkable appears to you as an achievable goal, involved with your most basic career aspirations. You are prospecting for its success, mapping out how to consolidate the territory. This might all go better before the moon (in Taurus) goes void-of-course at 9:25a PT | 12:25p ET | 4:25p UT, or else after it enters Gemini at 12:57a(Tu) PT | 3:57a(Tu) ET | 7:57a(Tu) UT. The intervening time is good for study or pondering but not for putting things into final motion. You feel better when you adhere to wisdom offered you by a shepherd-guide. Life is disconcerting without that. You work out ideas which are practical and business-like; they may be selfish yet successful. Perhaps nobody else knows them. You may lose your courage at certain points and feel there is nothing you can do but go through the motions--the motions dictated by your job or past habits. If that is all that is possible, it is better than running away.

Reading z: Being meticulous about your appearance is good but need not be obsessive. Being meticulous about your career is more productive. Your home has its problems but you can make it as serviceable as possible. Your ego is made happier when you study your special field, because you know that some parts of it, mastered by you, are not understood as well by anyone else. You may feel like shocking people, awakening them, going off at a tangent to get them to think or do something to correct an injustice or be real people with real values. Like the birds of the season protecting their young and themselves, you may hide out part of the time in a place elevated from the common, banal, and boring. So you regain poise and a youthful, hopeful outlook, without which life is pointless.

^ This is an attempt to put things in three differing perspectives, so you may choose which one fits you best. Or you may find two or all three to be offering you clues.

{Monday} /Recaptured Hope\

Cosmic Piper

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