Friday, August 13, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of August 14-15, 2010

Weekend of August 14-15, 2010

}Deep Transitions Need Not Be Scary{

Sunday the 15th is the birthday of Sri Aurobindo, celebrated by his disciples (0f whom I am one) all over the world. Those who do not know that he is an Avatar---and the only one certified absolutely to me since the time of Jesus---are simply not in the know.

Because it is His birthday, the weekend is sanctified no matter what the astrological aspects. "Sanctified" does not mean easy. Why would God make things easy for us? Actually He does, if we pay heed to Him. "My yoke is easy and my burden is light," said Jesus. But that is true only if one puts on that yoke (yoga), that is, gives up some personal desires in order to attempt to fulfill the Divine Will, that is, seek the Kingdom of Heaven first, then let personal matters be taken care of by the laws of karma and the kindness of grace.

The moon is in the Via Combusta both days (15 Libra to 15 Scorpio) but actually, as discussed a month ago (if anyone remembers), I am temporarily and experimentally expanding the Via Combusta to the end of Scorpio. The moon is not comfortable in that sign. So that means Tuesday will be the first "good" day for external progress. Every day is "good" for internal progress.

In fact, Tuesday the 17th should be the best day of the coming week, followed by Wednesday as also good but maybe a little more difficult. If you squeeze major business into those two days you will do well.

I don't like to give "good" and "bad" days, because all is good, but it is certainly true, based on decades of personal observation, that some astrological aspects and positions make things much harder for us. That is not because God or the stars are sadistic but because we have not grown up yet sufficiently to be able to handle certain things. One purpose of this project, these forecasts, is to help us in that direction. Of course the help I can give is imperfect, but when combined with your own insight, experience and intuition it could be quite useful.

The Via Combusta covering Saturday through Monday is a call to wake up. If you smell smoke, you need to get away from the fire. In this case the smoke is a death-warning, since Scorpio is the sign of death. Rarely is this literal, since the moon hits this place once a month, but always it is a call to go deeper. Someone facing death has to go deeper into his or her soul. We get a taste of that once a month. It is not necessarily an ominous or terrible time. Often it means people wonder a great deal---what is the purpose of life, or of my life, why am I here, and so on. Certainly such wondering can lead to deeper living.

Meanwhile external matters can proceed with efficiency, or some simulacrum thereof, with Mercury in Virgo a sign of skill and Mercury's own sign. Your skills may be directed toward better human relations (three planets in Libra, four when the moon is there on Saturday) even if such relations are obscured for the nonce.

The Part of Fortune in the third sector suggests much organizing of things in your environment. It could also be much communication. I would simply remind you that in the Dark Hermetic Epoch such communications can be "silly" as I mentioned recently, that is, pointless ultimately even if seeming important immediately. I would advise anyone to stand back when responding to an email or phone call or surfing the Net and ask himself, "Am I wasting my time?" The number of minutes you spend doing just that might surprise you.

That goes along with the Via Combusta question, "What is the purpose of my life?".

You might benefit by reviewing things carefully Sunday afternoon and evening. You might arrive at answers to questions about many things, including the most important personal relationships or friendships in your life. It could be a time for finding out what the current conjunction of Venus and Mars in Venus's sign Libra---a potentially very loving and romantic aspect---means to you. Don't be disturbed if you don't arrive at a definite or clear answer then---the moon will still be in the Via Combusta---but considering it could be helpful. Who is most important to you now? If you don't know, even that is a clue to what could happen over the next week or two.

By the end of August, certain financial strategies should be working out well for you. You will feel prosperous when paying September's bills.

The end of April or early May could be the next focus of consideration for changes in your home, or travel possibilities, either temporary or permanent transitions in your living situation. Something you are doing now could come up for consideration then. You seem to be on the right track.

By Christmas time you will know something more definite and positive about young people, children, and romance. What seems more remote or a mere possibility now may become a matter of active cooperation.

Meanwhile, this Via Combusta weekend is a time to go deep and merge rediscovered inner purpose with outer activity as well as you can.

{Saturday} {Deep Transitions Need Not Be Scary}

Cosmic Piper

Daily forecast-meditation at:

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