Sunday, August 1, 2010

Forecast for Monday second August Two Thousand Ten

Monday Second August Two Thousand Ten

\Too Much Suspicion? Focus on Simple Needs/

[Number keys on my computer are not working. Planned obsolescence? "Time to get a new computer, we designed it this way"?]

Yesterday was the first day of the Dark Hermetic Epoch. You notice that, as an example, I need to get a new computer. Mercury problems such as that {mechanical or technological} {can't use parentheses either} happen more often during the Dark Epoch {until September twenty-seventh}.

A lot of stuff seems time-wasting. This could be especially true now because for the first half of August Venus and Mars will be close to Saturn, always a planet of delays. However, it is possible to do what is essential. Saturn is separating out for us the essential from the inessential. "For us" because without Saturn we would probably go to the inessential, not realizing that it is harmful or pointless. Saturn says "Forget this, but remember that." She or he forces us to "forget this" by just taking it away sometimes. That requires us to focus on something else that we had been avoiding. Notice how this is playing out in your life.

It could be happening in career areas, and also in the area of love-attractions. Venus conjunct or opposed or squared Saturn is the paradigmatic aspect of lost love, or heartbreak, or poignancy in the affections. "Nobody loves me." Okay, take a deep breath: "Now just get over this." Remembering that G+d loves you and everyone else is one remedy.

Today the moon is in Taurus. Its aspects are not bad. The trine with Pluto on one side and Mercury on the other, grand trine in earth signs, suggests you could focus on earthy material matters and get some of them cleared away. You have been postponing some of them which you could do now. That would feel good. It would open a door for better things to come. Also money, business or investment matters could be handled with intelligence.

Questions of travel or a temporary change of home could get attention. If you feel confused about them, you can still prepare for them tentatively. You might be more definite about them by the middle of September.

Things are starting to feel autumnal, are they not?

One phase of work you are trying to accomplish could be finished, in your home or office, by December.

Something involving a friend or friends, drawn to each other yet wary and uncertain, could be settled by next weekend. This could be partly "no" and partly "yes" but you will feel that it is settled.

As for Mars conjoined to Saturn, very close now, here is what Isabel Hickey the astrologer says: "This aspect can produce inertia. Saturn, fear, holds back Mars's action. Gives poor timing. Needs to face issues and do something about them. Extraordinary capacity for making enemies." Thinking about that should give you a clue. Just going ahead with certain matters you are sure about is important.

Then there is Mars opposed to Jupiter. C.E.O. Carter says: "Discontent and resentment sometimes appear; there may be extremist tendencies in politics." Yes, this aspect was beginning by ten degrees on nine/eleven/oh one. Carter says it is a restless aspect whose energy can manifest in fantasy, plays, writing, the stage or theater, novels and so on. So if you want to read a novel or watch a play or movie you may be working out this aspect in a way which helps you deal with real life. {Would that the perpetrators of the nine-eleven event had confined their angry energy to acting out a drama directed against the great Satan.}

In general, suspicion needs to be watched and considered. The focus of a T square on Pluto in Capricorn {with a total of five planets at either end of it, three opposing two} suggests extreme suspicion in political, business, and international matters. The CIA and spy cases are getting a lot of attention. The proliferation of spy agencies and operatives, not even knowing what one another are doing, in the U.S. bureaucracy, is getting much-needed attention by some critics. Of whom are you suspicious? Paranoia of course is not helpful. Identifying fears and angers or resentments in your own mind and feelings is more important than identifying outward enemies, most likely. Then you can do what is needed to bring order out of chaos in simple ways in your ordinary life. Yes, there is ordinary life, which we need to remind ourselves at times like this.

{Monday} /Too Much Suspicion? Focus on Simple Needs\

Cosmic Piper

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