Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 1 July 2010

Thursday 1 July 2010

~A Broader, More Patient Viewpoint~

A nebulous quality to things suggests that you can relax today. Your work goes smoothly and may seem part of the relaxation. You may enjoy music, dreaming, meditating, and prayer. Such upliftment does not interfere with your work.

Long-term delays in connection with friendship mean that you need to be patient with friends, as they with you. It is likely that some important companionship will be latent or dormant for a long time, even months, or a year or more.

Losses have affected your career and make you feel that you are reconstructing it gradually. If you recall past gains, that will help you face the present, for what has happened before can happen again. But direct planning or decision concerning your job could be on hold. The fact that others, and businesses, are unsure about their financial plans makes it hard to be decisive.

Pleasures happen as if unplanned. They are easygoing. You need not seek them but coast into them when you "go with the flow."

Health matters and psychological maladjustments, related to each other, may be susceptible to amelioration when you interact with people more straightforwardly, trying to hide nothing, over the next week or more. Stating who you are and your needs, or making that evident, could be better than pretending. Then, give people time to awaken to your direct approach and assist you.

Someone important to you seems to be hung up in something, maybe a health or work problem. Yet even today, probably by noon or soon after, there could be a partial answer to the problem, through techniques, workers or therapists.

Long-term answers to money questions require study, and perhaps advice from a male who has worked a long time at such matters--maybe an investment adviser.

A question about travel could get a nudge this afternoon or evening. Then a more final answer a week from now, or by the 9th. It is understandable that you are unsure and all right to take your time. (I do not know whether that final answer will be yes or no.)

Being patient with people and letting them be who they are, as you want them to let you be, will make things pleasant. The moon's trine with the sun and Mercury (from Pisces to Cancer) will help, extending way into the evening.

{Thursday} ~A Broader, More Patient Viewpoint~

Cosmic Piper

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