Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Forecast:: The Coming Year: Important!

The Jupiter-Saturn Mutation: Very important!

April 2010 through April 2011

Throughout the summer, in fact for almost a year, we have the Jupiter-Saturn opposition. I recommend that you study this; perhaps read about it in astrological texts. Not many people really know what it means, however, so they will give you clues but only partial clues and some false ones.

It happens every twenty years. The last time was August 1989 through August 1990. If you go back in memory and recall what was going on in your life during that year, it could be very instructive to you. Major changes happened for me, including my apartment building burning down and several changes of residence. A very important friend passed from this world. That was outwardly. Inwardly there was much turmoil and pondering of the purpose and goal of my living. There were also questions of authority and parentage, or parents. It is a need to align one's enthusiasm (Jupiter) with discipline (Saturn). Outwardly the "discipline" can be parents and authority figures, also spiritual guides. Jupiter can be kindness and giving and good fortune. Inwardly Jupiter is a tendency to drift, and coast on good luck while Saturn is a recognized need to get control of one's life and impulses and "make something of oneself." The question can be, Do I coast and fiddle (grasshopper) or bustle and work (ant)? Of course, both are possible, even necessary, but since it is a crisis stage it is important to determine as clearly as you can, "What am I doing?" You do not have to do exactly what parents or authority figures want you to do, but you should attempt to do what your soul wants of you.

This time the "mutation" of these two planets (forming a single planetary pair in the terminology of Marc Edmund Jones, who called this opposition and the corresponding conjunction the "mutation" of the two planets) occurs April 2010 through April 2011. Guess what happened in April? The oil spill. It is symptomatic of the Saturnian need to "clean up one's act." What are you trying to clean up in your act?

You want to "make something of yourself." What? You sense that major changes are happening, at least inwardly, in your orientation to your life. Marc Edmund Jones says that this is an aspect of division in one's life, that is, the life is divided into two segments before and after a given time. Either the change goes toward decadence, coasting, loss of control, self-indulgence, a downward spiral; or toward greater self-control, achievement, determination to "make something of oneself."

I think it is extremely important for us to think about all this during the coming year, or through April 2011. (I said before that the aspect ends September 27, but that is only the first phase of it. It comes back because the outer planets always retrograde. And the second period of the aspect, from February through April 2011, is equally important. From past experience, I declare that the aspect is effective during the whole period, it "takes that orb," so October up to February are also included in the whole phenomenon, perhaps just as strongly as the other two periods just pointed out.) In other words, it is from April this year until April next year, no holds barred, every month and day of that period.

For example, I see in today's paper that Al and Tipper Gore are separating. Major life-change for them. What is your major life-change, at the present time? You will have another 10 or 11 months to work it out. Being conscious of this as a turning point will help you a great deal.

{April 2010 through April 2011}

Cosmic Piper

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