Sunday, June 20, 2010

Forecast for Monday 21 June 2010

Monday 21 June 2010

~Summery Restoration of Confidence~

The moon in the Via Combusta Sunday and Monday is, as usual at such a time, a matter of lower morale, a need to boost confidence in your most-basic allegiances (especially those you regard as spiritually compelling). Otherwise you may feel lost. Luna leaves that section of the zodiac before noon on Tuesday (later in the Eastern Hemisphere).

“Loss of morale” can come out as distrust of those whom you have trusted in the past. This can be an insidious erosion of confidence. It is wise to arrest that before it eats away at true loyalties.

This is the Summer Solstice day. Oddly enough, when summer begins the sun is beginning to lessen its daily smiling upon the earth (in the Northern Hemisphere), in other words, this is the longest day of the year. There could be much happiness in regard to family, mate, and children. It is quite fittingly a time for celebration of the blessings of the summer season on our very blessed planet.

There is a perverse pleasure in giving up. Self-pity and morose moods could make you feel justified in retreating from what are more fairly duties you ought to stay with.

People are not usually good at something they are trying their wings at, as also baby birds; so it is well to be patient when someone seems to be squandering his or her potentials. Assistance in such a case can be not only helpful but thrilling.

When ideals seem to fail, there is always humor. It grants release. Winking and laughing at human failures is a way we reassure ourselves that everyone can really do better. Can’t we?

Humor is certainly better than cruelty or violence, though barbed wit can hurt. Mocking the loved one is sometimes okay, but do be careful.

You are involving yourself in what is deep and worthy of deep penetration. Your yard, or a park, restaurant or public place, may be a piazza of luxury, with those who frequent it strutting in self-display while basking in luxuries.

{Monday} ~Summery Restoration of Confidence~

Cosmic Piper

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