Thursday, June 17, 2010

Forecast for Friday 18 June 2010

Friday 18 June 2010

\Securing Calm and Steadiness/

It seems to be a high-pressure day, and a day for pulling into yourself. Some things may seem overwhelming but they constitute an opportunity to sort out what is most important to you.

Today and Saturday are the |malaise or difficult third of the week|. "Malaise" in the figurative sense is a discomforting need for readjustment. It requires you to tamper down desires and ambitions. You hold on to what you have and derive comfort from that. If the physical weather is not difficult at these times, the psychic or psychological weather is.

(This weekly period is moving gradually earlier so that by late July and August it will be more like Thursdays and Fridays.)

You do have ambitions and plans, but the best way to fulfill them now is quietly and calmly, by sticking with the basics, the essentials. Trying for an opportunity where others are involved or required could go amiss. They may be worried about their own plans and hopes and so indifferent to yours.

An exception could be if you are on a mission of mercy, which abrogates hard karma and gives everyone some uplift.

As for entertainment, it is available, with Venus in Leo still trine Uranus and Jupiter in Aries. However, you may feel you are enjoying something alone, as if whoever you would share it with is in a different world. So your enjoyment is more detached and meditative, but nonetheless real.

It is hard to keep up with correspondence or phoning. So you may have to let some of that drop for a while.

(My Friday is going to be filled with things I "have to" do; therefore I don't know if I will have time to write and post a Saturday forecast. If not, I may write something very late Friday or early Saturday.)

{Friday} /Securing Calm and Steadiness\

Cosmic Piper

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