Monday, February 22, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 23 February 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 23 February 2010

~Tiger Circumspection~

It's a mixed bag of a day, with the moon square Saturn (very bad) but also trine the sun and Jupiter (quite good). I would be cautious when it comes to making any commitment or promise whatever. Take your time, expecting less of yourself and others than on most days, except if there is an emergency or crisis.

You are hopeful at times but then may become nervous and feel lost. It is wise to continue in any public role you have taken on. You might want to opt out, or cop out, but you are needed. You get things moving for people, even if you feel that is backward; they appreciate your stimulation. If you long for a break mid-day, fine; there are important things you can take up and finish late in the day or evening.

You should go at a moderate pace, in order to salvage important ideas and methods you have developed. Hurrying would blunt your aim. The confident archer pulls the bow without worrying that he will miss. The domain of work and business succumbs, eventually, to poise and persistence.

The evening is bittersweet, good for study. It has social potentials, but anyone you tangle with will have intense problems, spoken or unspoken, so you need to be gentle with that hornets' nest.

Detachment, as if you were a Hindu sadhu or wandering yogin, will secure inner peace and then you will resist fatuous temptations which some part of your soul knows to be traps. The quick thrust of passion could entangle you in python-karma.

The Chinese sages tell us we are in a fresh Year of the Tiger. The mother tiger watches over her offspring tenderly, but is fierce toward any lurking predator. So you are protective toward those you value, and even some you do not like but feel responsible toward. With a little quiet thought you can determine which battles are worth fighting, and which are pointless or destructively dangerous. (Let us hope the commanders of NATO and other troops in Afghanistan are able to do that.) If you are not sufficiently ethical and circumspect, you may be taken for a predator yourself.

{Tuesday} ~Tiger Circumspection~

Cosmic Piper

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