Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 11 February 2010

Thursday 11 February 2010

}Hidden Love Lost but Hinted{

It's a pretty mysterious time. True we are in the Bright Epoch when things are easier to understand and plans can be settled. Today, however, with the moon declining (toward the New, Saturday evening) and other interesting phenomena, you may feel you are locked up within your mind, pounding on the walls or peering through cracks to figure out what is really going on.

You want to be accountable for your life and what it means. And somehow this means being accountable for the past. We usually feel the past just happened to us. From a deeper viewpoint, we created it, although it is hard to own that viewpoint; it is said that we understand these things after death when we can see unhindered by the mechanisms of the flesh and nervous system.

A part of you is cunning in looking out for what will support its own advantage. So you consider how to "use" people, probably. There are risks, and you have to choose one path or another, each risky in different ways. The safest, perhaps, is founded on deep philosophy which endures past momentary deflections of interest. You sense that you are trying to prevent a plunge into the darkness of a detour delaying your true destiny.

You become serene by looking past passions, which could rise up unexpectedly, and surrendering to your deeper soul's perspective, which sees past temporary diversions toward what is reliably satisfying in your life. That involves service of one sort or another. "Gotta serve somebody," sang Bob Dylan; not as an ethical imperative so much as a law of survival.

A feeling of drift, as if on a raft seeking land after a shipwreck, could serve you if it awakens you to possibilities ahead which you never would have found if you had gotten to your original bland destination on that bourgeois steamer. (Shades of the TV series Lost.) The unexpected is not always your friend, but it can be.

At a mundane level, you buy and sell, sell and buy, either in trivia, necessities, or large lots of consignment for future gain; and this is mostly promising.

Venus and Mars are both locked, temporarily, at point focus in two different Yod configurations. How interesting. The sexes are not really linking very well, although they peer over the impasse with curiosity. Each has his or her imbroglio and imbroglio-extricating strategy, and they do not fit together. Self-control and adaptability could add up to devotion, although you are devoted less to a person than to an ideal, at this point. The person has diverged from the ideal in a way which makes you feel alienated. But the ideal endures, to be embodied now or later, somewhere or somewhen . . .

{Thursday} {Hidden Love Lost but Hinted}

Cosmic Piper

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