Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 25 February 2010

Thursday 25 February 2010

~From Laziness to Poised Readiness~

One reason I have been slow writing today's forecast is that the chart kind of flusters me . . . it is rather confusing. So I am not sure if I can say anything brilliantly relevant to your day.

I shall repeat that February 28 (Sunday) through April 3 is a month of progress, that is, you will be able to forward your plans then more easily than for the last three months.

Today there may be an infection of nebulousness, that is, a desire to "give up," or drop things which feel challenging. This is your personal dilemma to struggle with, so only you can decide what is worth doing now and what not. It is okay to have extra rest, play, or amusement. You may feel that this is making you weak, or else that it is restoring your ability to get back up and forge ahead. Mysterious reactions from people, especially males, make you wonder what they are really thinking or feeling. Chances are they are not sure themselves. A lot of detective-like investigation may yield clues but no answers.

It is good to recognize what you need not attempt at present. Even sportsmen need periods of recovery and do not train every day. I am not suggesting laziness, but wise choice of truly necessary activities. These could include business matters which have to be taken care of routinely (not anything brand new). You could be quite shrewd in sensing business or investment opportunities, but these should not be beyond your current powers.

On the other hand, a partner or someone close to you is competing with you, in a friendly way, or wanting to get you moving, summoning you to a bit of adventure. Of course that could be good for you.

Observations lead to tests of what you have seen which lead to further observations. That is the scientific method, as applied informally by every human being long before codified or termed "science." In doing this you can trust a bit to intuition, or your inner mind's subconscious remembrance of past coherences in your experience.

You may feel contentious about some matters, feeling that people are being stubborn; wanting to push them to see or do certain things they resist. Rather, you could elucidate to them what would help them, whether they are children or adults. They may not think of you as their teacher, but if you are sincere and honest in what you point out they will warm up to your presentation and respect you for it.

Love has a way of leaping over hurdles.

{Thursday} ~From Laziness to Poised Readiness~

Cosmic Piper

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