Friday, November 20, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 21 November 2009

Saturday 21 November 2009

\Realistic Advance Toward Happiness/

We have Prime Time all day except for seven minutes while the moon is void of course just after its sextile from Capricorn with the sun in the last degree of Scorpio, before Luna enters Aquarius at 7:12p PT | 10:12p ET | 3:12a(Su) UT. I don't know what you personally do on Saturdays but today you could accomplish more than usual, if oriented to any task, or go shopping with good results perhaps. (If I were writing for Orthodox Jews or Seventh Day Adventists, I would leave out Saturday every week and write a forecast for Sunday, since Saturday is their day of refraining from outward activities. As it is, I refrain from writing a report on the Jewish Sabbath, being a good Jew on that day, and do not post one for Sunday so that Christians can be good Christians, that is, think of G*d rather than Cosmic Piper, astrology, or their worldly activities. It's the age of Kali--as so often, the HIndus got it right--so even the Judaeo-Christian religions cannot agree on a Holy Day, and of course the Muslims have to choose a third, Friday. Kali is still winning, and grinning.)

Basic common sense rules, with less fear, anxiety or upset than during the past few days. That is a relief. You could map out a travel agenda perhaps, or if you don't plan on that, settle your thinking concerning more abstract matters, what you think about life, reality, G*d. It used to be called philosophy but now the Ph.D. "philosophers" in American and British universities are forbidden to even mention G*d and instead play verbal chess-games about things like "if it didn't rain last Tuesday, how could we verify the statement that if someone had seeded clouds on Monday it would have rained on Tuesday?" This is called "the problem of counter-factuals." This kind of thing takes endless hours of their time and energy, and their students are left in the dark about all the great philosophers who said extremely brilliant and helpful things about G*d, reality, the soul, and immortality. Inspiration is forbidden, and dull apathetic analysis encouraged. Nobody wins the verbal games, because they weren't designed to be won, just to be re-analyzed by the next crop of Ph.D. candidates. And Kali grins.

Perhaps I am thinking of Kali because the moon is in Capricorn and the sun in Scorpio, two traditional witch-signs. They both leave said signs by Sunday, so perhaps Kali shall retreat for a while to her skull-decorated cave.

|Rotten| third of the week update: In my local paper Friday morning the main headline is about the killing of two bank robbers by two policemen who were both injured in the shootout. This was on Thursday, the heart of the |difficult or rotten| third of the week this time. You may say, "But that could have happened any time!" True, but it didn't; it happened during the |rotten| third of the week and if you study your local paper for such tragedies you will find that more than half of them occur at such times. The |difficult third| is just over a third, spread over time and averaged: about 35 per cent of the time, or 2.45 days per week, leaving 4.55 days free of it.

But please, remember we are not in that period today (Saturday).

In the battle between bondage and transcendent freedom, the latter could win today.

Keep your mental eye out for someone you respect who is both charming and powerful. This could be an ally for you.

Music is uplifting, as is peaceful contemplation of the happy side of your life both past and present, for happiness treasured has a way of springing more happiness in the future.

Rather than fighting with anyone, you could release your capacities in his or her presence (or physical absence as in email or phone-talk) so you are appreciated for what you can do and be.

One danger in this whole period (Mars, Jupiter and Venus in a T-square in fixed signs) is that people are fuming inwardly about injustices, or perceived injustices, and could explode at any time. Today that might be less likely but is still a possibility. It would be better for them to carry on with hopes for something better in the future, letting past hurts flow downstream rather than riding on that junk toward hurtling rapids.

It's a question whether some amusements or hobbies are good for you or just silly. You are the judge. You are restless about them and make changes in them somewhat impulsively.

You are finding keys to solving certain problems. What will precipitate solutions is less wearisome than you had thought. Justice is part of the answer, but not frontier justice or lynching, rather subjugation restrained and equable.

You might sense how you can play with or manipulate someone's affection, or gain advantage through charm and persuasion. Well and good so long as you are mostly straightforward and honest. The limits and perils of erotic or emotional game-playing are obvious, at least in afterview.

{Saturday} /Realistic Advance Toward Happiness\

Cosmic Piper

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