Sunday, November 8, 2009

Forecast for Monday 9 November 2009

Monday 9 November 2009

*Independence is Willing or Calculated Sharing*

Whether you are thrilled by or skeptical of the bill passed in the House for a new approach to medical funding, it did pass and will go to the Senate for modification. As I had said here many weeks ago, the chances for passage were better in the Bright Hermetic Epoch; during the Dark, nothing could get off the ground. Also I mentioned how Saturn's passage through Virgo was both promoting and slowing down the concern about this bill (Virgo being the over-all sign of health and health care). Since Saturn went into Libra on October 29th, everything connected with this bill picked up steam. (I am not endorsing the bill, however, not having studied it; I would guess it is riddled with waste and unfairness as any such bill would be at this point in our history. Especially, I totally reject the idea that everyone should be compelled to buy medical insurance. If the final bill contains this provision I shall oppose it. The real problem is ridiculously high medical fees charged by hospitals, pharmaceutical manufacturers, ambulance services, and sometimes doctors as well. This gross exploitation of victims is what needs to be curtailed. If the bill goes to the government, we are still the victims, since governmentsRus.)

Also you will note that, as I faithfully point out every week, the |difficult| third of the week comprised Thursday and Friday, when the bill was stuck but being worked on; it was passed on Saturday-Sunday. Also, tragically, on those two |more difficult| days there was first the killing at Fort Hood and then another lesser incident of the same ilk in Florida (one Thursday and one Friday). When I point out the |difficult third| I am not whistling Dixie.

Business could be humming Monday. You seem determined to gain what you feel you deserve or need. Your efficiency and effectiveness are amazing. When competition is part of the picture, you can put up a good fight and quite possibly prevail.

A deeper side of you is inclined to philosophy, music, and refined tastes.

You sense what is fair and what is not. This would apply to employers and those with whom you do business.

You cling, for financial security, to what you know well, having absorbed, studied and assimilated certain information, knowledge, or methods. Vigorous, accurate accounting with the help of all agencies at your disposal helps you get the upper hand.

Strength and independence bring a youthful quality to your work, so that you can breeze through it.

Endurance is necessary while you get the drift of everything pertinent to your well-being. Lasting things, those in which the human race has invested, will sustain you.

While you sense that big potentials are on the way, and that you can promote them, you tend to slip into easy instinctive habits of indulgence, such as overeating.

You see through things, into their illusory nature, so that your sense of values is high. Therefore you can enjoy whatever is available to enjoy without getting trapped in it, overindulging or wasting valuable time. Knowing what to drop and what to hold, what to enjoy and what to renounce, is a secret. Someone very nice respects you.

{Monday} *Independence is Willing or Calculated Sharing*

Cosmic Piper

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