Sunday, November 29, 2009

Forecast for Monday 30 November 2009

Monday 30 November 2009

\Challenges Met Effectively/

We have Prime Time but a rather dubious Prime because lunar aspects are harsh. This could mean tackling things which are challenging.

The emotional tone could be harsh also, people sensing their differences more than their harmonies.

Experimenting with communication is the order of the day. It doesn't matter how old you are, you are learning new ways of putting your thoughts into words or making your case. You can make your mark through unusual skills, which you could probably not teach if you tried.

Even then, educating people, either children or those less skilled, is an emphasis quite pleasing. Or you might go to a lecture or reading.

You clear away whatever has been frustrating your work. Servants or subordinates may be on your mind and you can understand their needs and satisfy them through a bit of spiritual renunciation or tolerance, participating in their labor so to speak.

Unusual understanding or clever skill (Mercury square Uranus) makes you feel you have entered uncharted territory which yet pleases you through a sense of adventure. You delve into whatever needs reordering at home and may discover treasure you had forgotten.

You are avid for better control of your home, office or workshop. You see how to make using it more of an adventure through patterns in time and space you control almost artistically.

Someone elderly may amaze you by his or her renewed vitality.

People are fascinated by mysteries requiring solution. As Nancy Drew or Frank Hardy you could participate in the enthrallment of the adventure. You need to take your time and postpone precipitous judgments; rely on valid instruction; and then see what develops in a way you can share with those who want results.

An effective approach to satisfaction requires asking for help from someone who has the power to grant or deny a request. This individual is focused on his or her own needs more than yours, yet will listen. Or, if this is no one in particular right now, pleading with the Highest can be effective if you are honest, straightforward, and willing to accept guidance from above.

{Monday} /Challenges Met Effectively\

Cosmic Piper

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