Friday, February 17, 2023

Messages for Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 February 2023

Saturday 18 February 2023

}Trusting to a Favoring Wind{

Moon in Aquarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 2:58a PT | 5:58a ET | 10:58a UT (until very early Tuesday)

"A person upon a raft floating in open sea" could represent "misanthropic isolation and abandonment of self to the winds of adverse fortune, with a lack of initiative or power of direction, a wandering, uncertain mind. Let him take in hand the rudder of intelligence whereby to guide his course, and spread his sails in hope. If he follows his chart with care and trusts in Heaven for a favoring wind he my be carried safely into port." Focusing on what is at hand, I am rescued from drifting.

Popularity could be as ephemeral as "fireworks exploding in mid-air above a crowd." The Old Moon in her final days is conducive to expecting less so that one will be pleased, whatever happens. People like me sometimes, G*d always.

"A woman suffragist haranguing" does not stop if her popularity diminishes when people don't take to her message. Her indignation rises beyond their approval. She "substantiates right with reasoned conviction, expanding every potential of being and taking part in world-wide reconstruction." I know when and how to speak out for justice and freedom.

Yet the moon is diminishing and we may choose to emulate "a man reclining on a rustic seat beneath a shady tee; a ray of sunshine has fallen on him." Perhaps he lives mostly for himself, benefiting others seldom, yet he has no trouble and wealth flows to him. I am happy that others prosper as I do myself.

{Saturday} {Trusting to a Favoring Wind}

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 19 February 2023

}Inner Reserves, and Rest in the Commonplace{

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues (until very early Tuesday)

/moon goes void-of-course at 6:01a PT | 9:01a ET | 2:01p UT

until it enters Pisces at 8:57p PT | 11:57p ET | 4:57a(M) UT

We are in the final day of an Old Moon (the New comes Monday) and in the |difficult third of this week|, exact at the void-of-course time above, and Luna is void-of-course for all but a few hours. We have to rely on our inner reserves and the Supreme Lord for strength and hope.

"A straight column with square capital and base" indicates Egoity and self-assertion, with however an elevated, aspiring and precise mind. There is not much flexibility or deference. Rigid and unbending, yet one's character is capable of distinction. I know who I am and assert my reality.

And so one has something in common with the "woman suffragist haranguing" when one is sure that one is right about one's position. I know when and how to speak out for justice and freedom.

"A hand holding a roll of paper or parchment" suggests copying something or getting copies of documents publicly available or to be made public. This should not be controversial but as commonplace as possible. It could be "real paper" or posting something on the internet. All needed information makes my circumstances easy to handle.

"A beautifully furnished room, with a large candle on a round table in the center" indicates "a lover of his home with conventional proclivities, a 'house-proud' individual." One may need to rest during Luna's waning phase, amid whatever luxuries one possesses. Beauty enfolds me while I regain poise.

{Sunday} {Inner Reserves, and Rest in the Commonplace}

Cosmic Piper

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