Thursday, February 9, 2023

Message for Friday 10 February 2023

Friday 10 February 2023

}Anger Transmuted toward Leadership{

Moon in Libra

< moon enters the Via Combusta at 6:58a PT | 9:58a ET | 2:58p UT (until Sunday afternoon)

I learned the hard way to pay close attention to the hard aspects between the sun and Saturn (conjunction, opposition, square) when I took a vacation during one of those times and too many things went wrong. By ten degrees, this conjunction lasts February 6-27. On the 6th was the worst earthquake in a long time. Now we have frigid temperatures in the Northeast of the U. S. and of course other places throughout the planet. At the personal level I'm sure you are commiserating with some who are feeling sad or defeated. 

A symbol for today, "two daggers crossed," points to "contention or litigation and an element of danger." A 'radical want of harmony" could lead to "wounding." However, there is "keen and penetrating intellect" to help settle things through warfare or lawfare.  

At a more primitive level there could be anger leading to brutal ferocity or violence, symbolized by "a bull stamping upon the body of a small animal." We do not need that. Let's pray for an end to all cruelty no matter what its supposed justification or excuse. 

Mars moving slowly is still at the degree "a great musician at his piano" reminding us that we can share the rewards of our talents through efforts whereby others are encouraged while enjoying an uplifting performance. 

Will we ever again feel that world leaders, or our own President, are "rulers indeed," using superior powers and an advantageous position for the benefit of all? Somewhere there is "a shepherd on a mountain top with crook in hand, looking out for the locality of his sheep." This could be an ideal figure such as Moses or David, or Jesus "the good shepherd," or some lesser human we could anoint through the machinery of democracy.

{Friday} {Anger Transmuted toward Leadership}

Cosmic Piper

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