Friday, October 7, 2022

Message for Weekend of October 8-9, 2022, and: Nuclear War?

Weekend of October 8-9, 2022, and: Nuclear War?

The Astrology of Nuclear War (Hiroshima)

1 I’m just one lonely individual at my keyboard. Why do I call myself Cosmic Piper? As I have explained from the beginning, the name is intended to indicate the other (mostly beyond this world) astrologers I work with: Marc Edmund Jones, Al Morrison, Eleanor Bach, Isabel Hickey, Grant Lewi, C. E. O. Carter, Alan Leo, John Thomas (Charubel), Walter Gorn Old (Sepharial), Sydney Omarr, Reinhold Ebertin, psychic Elsie Wheeler, and many others who are not just now coming to memory. If a Cosmic Piper is penning these forecasts, he is all of them together.

2 Five of those individuals are responsible for the three sets of symbols for the 360 degrees of the zodiac which I use in the daily charts and forecasts. They are amazing and often brilliantly accurate if one gives them a bit of calm reflection. I have worked out very diligently a formula which uses six degree-symbols for each day. Over the long term there are as many symbols from Charubel as from Sepharial as from Jones-Wheeler.

3 Still, I have often dropped this system for the weekends in order to write a more long-term report based on just the zodiacal positions of the planets, without the symbols, but especially with the aspects among the planets. Most recently I have used fortnightly charts though I have also used monthly ones. Or I just look at the long-term aspects, allowing an orb of ten degrees which is more than many astrologers use but I have found that much to be essential.

4 Your input would be appreciated. Do you like these longer-term weekend reports or would you prefer the daily ones, with symbols, for Saturday and Sunday, as I did last week?

5 Because of the threat of and worry about nuclear war with Russia, I just looked back at August 6, 1945, the first time an atomic bomb was used militarily (Hiroshima). What stands out is the prominence of Mars at that time, as the cutting-edge planet in a bundle-shaped chart, indicative of haste at least and violence at worst. We do not have that situation now. Uranus seems to be the planet of nuclear stuff (rather than Pluto, according to brilliant astrologer Al Morrison) and in the Hiroshima chart Mars was beginning to conjoin Uranus by less than ten degrees. That is another clue that these longer-orb aspects are highly significant (though some astrologers restrict their orbs to five degrees or even less, a mistake I firmly believe). Mars is away from any aspect with Uranus now, in fact moving backward, which seems to indicate the fact that Zelensky, Putin, and Biden all seem to shuffle backward and forward in this useless and insane war. The lives of young men (Mars) and their families are being disrupted crazily while Mars slows down to go backward (slowing now, stationary and retrograde by the end of October).

6 Mars and Mercury were in a square during the Hiroshima attack, and they are now (September 25 through October 12). Astrologer Cyril Fagan insisted that this aspect correlated to acts of violence and warfare.

7 Another thing that may be “eating us” is the long-term square between Saturn and Uranus. We have discussed this at length. It began in January 2020 and ends toward the end of January 2023. Good riddance! Because Saturn rather than Mars is triggered by Uranus, the nuclear threat may be just that, something worrisome which can however be faced down and eliminated as can all things Saturnian if we rise up with firm character against them.

8 But of course there are no guarantees. I see that on August 6, 1945 Mercury turned retrograde, the very day of the horrific bombing, with the Dark Hermetic Epoch extending until September 13 that year. As said here ad nauseam, and again, and again, because it is needed, the DHE periods, though they cover almost half the time, are the times when more things go wrong. The current DHE ends October 17, with a Bright Epoch beginning that day until December 12.

9 I have not yet written my congressional representatives to ask them to stop funding this truly insanely dangerous war. Why should that even be necessary? But maybe all of us should do it. There should be firm conditions for the billions of dollars Zelensky has already pulled out of us, and continues to pull, namely, serious negotiations to end this hell on earth. Remember that it is a proxy war of the U. S. (no one else is financing it) pursued by Joe Biden in your name. If you want more information, I recommend the Breaking Points video and podcast by the excellent journalists Saagar and Krystal.

10 Let’s have a peaceful weekend.

{Weekend of October 8-9}

Saturday: Moon in Pisces—>Aries

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:12a PT | 8:12a ET | 12:12p UT

until it enters Aries at 8:58a PT | 11:58a ET | 3:58p UT

Sunday: Moon in Aries

Cosmic Piper

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