Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Message for Wednesday 12 October 2022

Wednesday 12 October 2022


Moon in Taurus

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Thursday morning

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:43p PT | 5:43p ET | 9:43p UT

until it enters Gemini at 10:09p PT | 1:09a(Th)ET | 5:09(Th) UT

Astrological notes: 1 Aquarians often have a gravelly voice. An example is Alex Jones. Gravel! He reminds me of an Aquarian uncle whose voice was similar. Or sometimes it is a noticeably unusual voice, such as the wavering one of the Aquarian singer Conor Oberst (Bright Eyes). It quavers up and down like the two wavy lines symbolizing Aquarius in horoscopes.

2 A non-astrological commentator said, “There’s two hands to Trump!” commenting on his remarks about Putin and the Ukraine war, and other issues where he adroitly seemed to be on both sides yet came through successfully. Trump is Gemini, the sign ruling the hands and also twins. It’s known as a “dual” sign. Maybe that’s why Trump is a proponent of “the art of the deal” as he puts it.

3 Yes, it seems Florida is the state of the Fountain of Youth, because its surgeon general, Joseph Ladapo, has courageously rung a warning bell against MRNA vaccines and their effects on, especially, males of the ages 18-39. It’s about time, but of course the media are now claiming Ladapo is wrong, though he has a degree in medical research from Harvard! ’Oh, if young men drop dead after getting the vaccine, it’s just a funny coincidence!” How stupid do they think we are? I can’t find Ladapo’s birth data, but his admiring boss, Florida Governor DeSantis, is Virgo, the health sign.

Wednesday: 1 “An old door in which a dagger is stuck” suggests anger toward a past generation or someone who is “out of date” or clinging to traditions. However, the real folly could be on the side of the younger person “striking at existing systems and laws even when unable to improve upon them.” This could also be impatience with one’s living quarters, represented by the “old door.”

2 Somewhat contrary to 1, there are religious tendencies in many. “A man in the robe of a priest stands in the cloister beneath the light of a window.” This could show “a quiet, secluded, peaceful life” under the protection of “persons of high position and intellectual dignity.”

3 “Children skating on ice” could be any of us questioning the surety of the foundations on which we “skate.” Or if we feel safe, we could glide merrily and have a lot of fun. This can be adventurous self-discovery.

4 There is magic in the air. One might have “knowledge of a law in nature not popularly recognized” which allows one to hold “a long pole suspended horizontally in mid-air” by “a rope attached to each end connected with the earth.” One is empowered to “make one’s mark in one’s day.”

{Wednesday} /Transcendence\

Cosmic Piper

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