Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Forecast: Thursday and Friday, 9-10 May, 2013

Thursday 9 May 2013

Sun in Taurus and Moon in Taurus
New Moon of Taurus at 5:50p PT | 8:30p ET | 12:30a(F) UT
/moon goes void-of-course at that time
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues
until Friday at 2:59a PT | 5:59a ET | 9:59a UT

There flies a red flag on a red mountain above a red tree.
A meditator ponders nimble bodies of those climbing to
Its gold fruit. He would like to beat some with his cane. 
Yellow flowers greet laughing hikers while they picnic.

\Randy Curiosity and Trustfulness/

The day preceding the New Moon can be a slow one. Yet there are indications of psychological energy, a randy quality playfully assertive. You are supplied with what you need to enjoy life. You may find yourself taking advantage of someone in a subordinate position. 

There is curiosity, perhaps directed toward those who seem interesting, successful, and mysterious. If you feel disattunement with them it could be because there is a disproportion either of wealth, social status or intellectual interests. 

There is a profusion of things into which you want to look, natural and human whatnots. You discover and perhaps reveal secrets. You could become suddenly intense about things fascinating but ultimately inconsequential in terms of practical value.

Someone who has become eminent, from humble origins, catches your interest. He or she has been dogged in pursuing a path which has led to greatness, being thereby a positive blessing to the human race.

Someone with mischievous designs (like a character in Gossip Girl) could throw an obstacle in your path. This could make you feel abandoned, with plans temporarily wrecked. Viewing this incident within the over-all culture, you could see it as the comedy it ultimately is. That would relieve you of worry.

No matter the problems, most individuals will be kind and trustful, or want to be that in their heart of hearts. Therefore you will meet with security, one might say "social security," that is, generous friends to rely on. They lift you above the exhaustion you feel at certain moments. There can be a sophisticated rising above limitations, a joking and exhilarating attitude toward everything. Life is good at this entree into a new lunar month. 

{Thursday} /Randy Curiosity and Trustfulness\

Cosmic Piper

Friday 10 May 2013

Sun in Taurus and Moon in Taurus-Gemini
/moon void-of-course until it enters Gemini 
at 2:22p PT | 5:22p ET | 9:22p UT

To hoist the Revolution, one man is climbing a rope ladder;
Two others chat about mystical matters, one leaning on
His expensive car. The other speaks to the crowd of
What he knows. No one gets it. He offers food instead.

}Daring to Try{

There is much strength in this day, if we can find it in ourselves. One can choose from limitless sources of supply. One can acquire what one needs. As Mercury approaches total immersion in the sun's rays, which is the center of the Bright Hermetic Epoch, we can see how our lives might be going in the near future, for the next few months, and do our best to solidify plans. (This of course would be easier after the moon enters Gemini so it is no longer void-of-course.)

A prodigal tendency could result from misjudgment, for there is a disproportion in one's estimate of character unless one is careful. It is usually better to be generous in one's estimate of people, to be trusting, but at times one can sense what is lacking in them and protect oneself from repercussions.

If one feels unpopular, this could be because one's varying, fluctuating attitudes and actions do not seem reliable to anyone. There is a big world out there to exploit and play with, but if one is not consistently meritorious with those on whom one depends, one loses out.

A television view of things could be worth while, that is, a peering into others' lives in order to gain perspective. You are likely to be impressed by someone strong, decisive, achieving, who works up from nothing to preeminence. Whether after that there would be failure is a question, but it is not predestined.

If feeling wandering and lost, one can "take care" about one's most important obligations at least, and that will set things right. We are stewards of what has been given us and need to use it for the benefit of the One and the All as well as our small selves.

One can be daring and courageous. It is not childish to care about doing something which would please one's father or mother. The mistakes both parents and children have made can be sad, embarrassing, even tragic, yet somehow the results can be good when ennobled and transformed. Both parents and children feel they have not been able to convey to each other what they have seen, what is pertinent in their own lives, so it feels there is misjudgment and failure. But both can rise above inertia with the aid of their interaction, gain broader perspective, and demonstrate remarkable prowess.

{Friday} {Daring to Try}

Cosmic Piper

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