Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Forecast: Thursday and Friday, 23-24 May, 2013

Thursday 23 May 2013

Sun in Gemini and Moon in Scorpio
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
continues until Friday at 4:08a PT | 7:08a ET | 11:08a UT
Moon leaves the Via Combusta at 2:38p PT | 5:38p ET | 9:38p UT

In a large public park they rest, chat, eat, relax, throw
Balls and frisbies, play guitars and sing. A couple at a 
Picnic table comfort each other, near to tears. A nest
Of fledglings chirp high up in a dead and desolate tree.

 ~Beyond Confusion to Selection~

1  An elevated state of mind is good. It gives you a feeling of freedom in the midst of duties. You can treasure your vision of the Highest, and be devoted to the highest you have yet realized in your soul. This will remove resistance to that Highest in the world or people around you.

2  Those who feel blighted by life might be older ones, or younger ones who feel old already. Yet age does not have to be filled with desertion by others or loss of hopes. Differences among people can be fascinating, and one can touch base with those who share specialized interests. This is an advantageous anchorage in something familiar yet ever-changing because of varying perspectives.

3  Could one be totally unknown, yet strong and content? Like Caspar the friendly ghost? You may have intimations of such a state. One sees that one has been foolish, and that some others are foolish, yet one does not have to give in any further to foolhardiness. 

4  Moral courage and energy can arise from surprising places in one's consciousness. What are considered "lower passions" or desires sometimes have a vivifying effect if not indulged in a dissipating way to depletion. Then they may be sources of craftsmanship, one's particular devotion to a talent, hobby or creative pastime.

5  Straining after things which are not according to the rules of Nature or Her Lord is a common human failing. Sometimes it is the "necessary error" preceding a turn-around to something better. A love of the marvelous is not wrong, if it takes form in wonder, beauty, music, sharing, harmony and love. There may be those whose greed has led them to lie. Somehow they can get the better of crooked cravings, let us hope earlier rather than later and with less rather than greater suffering.

6  Aspirations are usually higher than attainments. That is something we have to live with, and not let it diminish our faith in ourselves or our visions. A little relaxed recreation could be restorative. Being around other people is a tonic. It's something like sharing the wealth. Then you  feel like continuing to execute lofty hopes and plans. Common experiences in public places bring a higher tone to personal endeavors.

{Thursday} ~Beyond Confusion to Selection~

Cosmic Piper

Friday 24 May 2013

Sun in Gemini and Moon in Scorpio

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week 
ends at 4:07a PT | 7:07a ET | 11:07a UT

/moon goes void-of-course at 6:56a PT | 9:56a ET | 1:56p UT
until it enters Sagittarius (no longer void-of-course) 
at 2:50p PT | 5:50p ET | 9:50p UT

Full Moon is exact at 9:26p PT | 12:26a(Sa) ET | 4:26a(Sa) UT

A wild river runs to a waterfall toward which a couple
Strolls. A public servant greeting them calms their 
Flighty romanticism and incipient quarrel with sound
Advice. They trade assurances of constant loyalty.

*Wild and Unfree; Searching and Reassuring*

1  You might just drift through things. Work does not interest you. You dream of far-away places. This might reach the level of perversion. You want to be elevated above the humdrum.

2  To anchor yourself you might study something serious, the older the better. The background of history and philosophy is crucial to getting ourselves in shape to understand what is really going on. Or, for many, the Bible suffices as the "anchorage book." Whatever you use, it can enfold you in hope; make you less fearful of being abandoned by life, lost in meaninglessness.

3  You live within yourself; a thinker with secrets. You are confident that no matter what happens financially, you will recover. You have a mission which no one can take away, no matter how controversial it seem.

4  You want something wild and romantic; you don't care how nebulous and peculiar as long as it satisfies a craving for the spectacular. If there is a touch of sadness in it, this does not bother you; one can watch a sad film and find merit and beauty beyond, within, encompassing the hard parts. 

5  Exerting yourself in a direction which hurts you is not good unless you are positive that it is the right direction. More likely, it can be modified through renunciation of something you think you need but do not. If you remember someone dignified and trustworthy, and try to follow clues from his life, you may gain protection and live through the day  more safely and securely.

6  The sadness of blighted hopes in the realm of interpersonal relations seems to be with us. It's not just you and your friend or partner; it is something going on universally, to teach us something. We never see the world, ourselves, and the Other as the Other sees the world, ourselves, and himself or herself. Shocking revelation! Yet there is external agreement on some things, and on those things on which you and the Other agree there can be a consistency of relationship built up one way or another. It does not look easy at the present time. You may be a steward of something for this Other, that is, he or she may have something you want to cherish, so that you could reassure her or him. Maybe someone is more sensitive to apparent neglect than you realize. Sweet, kindly reassurance is possible--a little may go a long way.

{Friday} *Wild and Unfree; Searching and Reassuring*

Cosmic Piper

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