Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Forecast: Thursday 18 and Friday 19 September 2014

Thursday 18 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Cancer-->Leo; Foci in 11, Friendship or Hope and 2, Possessions or Allies   ****

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:39a PT | 2:39p ET | 6:39p UT   ***
until it enters Leo at 8:11p PT | 11:11p ET | 3:11a(F) UT   ****

The child learning to walk imitates a bull
He sees in the farmyard. His father prospers by
Cattle while the son toddles, falls, toddles.
His mother gossips gaily with her neighbor.

A horse grazes by a broken wheel. Not much to do
Today. It's easy to slack off. The women get back
To housework, family needs, united homes and 
Friendliness. There's time to drift into the evening.

The sun will set; meanwhile it shines as brightly as
The public man who daily imitates it. He's watchful
While he prunes and sometimes harvests grapes he's
Cultivated prudently. The boy crawls to his mama's feast.

{Thursday} ~Lazy Friendly Harvest~

You know how often I have referred to the Dark Hermetic Epoch as a time when decisions are possibly wrong or more complicated than appears, so that one can easily fall into an error such as quitting a job or marriage, or taking on something one ought not to take on because the situation is too complex or one cannot foresee the coming imbroglio. So we have, now, at the very beginning of a new Dark Epoch, the Administration's rather dark or unforeseeing leap into something possibly disastrous in Syria and Iraq. "The Slippery Slope Begins" trumpets the New York Times, perhaps fairly and accurately. And Thomas Friedman, who was a hawk during the Iraq war (to the dismay of people like myself), even he, is highly skeptical about this perilous adventure:  "Take a Deep Breath:  ISIS and the Arab World."  The Dark Hermetic Epoch is real, and can be dangerous. It has just begun and lasts until November 10. National war policy ought to be very very cautious. Friedman's piece is very much worth reading and pondering. 

Cosmic Piper

Friday 19 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Leo; Foci in 11, Friends or Hopes and 2, Allies or Possessions 
|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week all day   ***

^Early or Late Fulfillment^

The owl is smug, doesn't know suffering,
Snags what he wants without effort. Somehow
He knows it's early in life, he is yet unfulfilled,
Maturity a dream he postpones or dreads.

The sky is beautiful, bright and cloudless-- 
Why worry? Prosperity bubbles from every
Crevice; happiness cascades into easy
Fulfillment. Yet expression remains unexpressed.

The one who is essential pleases his public, owns
His destiny, cares about everyone's children and 
Knows his value secure.  Long life is long blessing
For him and the tender strong ones he guards lovingly. 

{Friday} ^Early or Late Fulfillment^

Connected with yesterday's comments about the Dark Hermetic Epoch (September 14 through November 9), let's try to clarify what this means for the individual. I am feeling it out again, as I do every time . . . It feels like this:  Wait, sometimes, before taking action, especially if it is precipitous or sudden or unexpected or not previously planned. But also, do take action if it seems eminently reasonable, in your interest, and not disruptive to anyone else's life. 

That may sound like basic common sense, but it needs to be reiterated at these times, when we can easily get lost in either despair or a mad rush into something which pretends to remove that despair but could actually make it worse in the long run. Please remember all your best "positive thinking" or spiritually uplifting beliefs, so as to avoid excessive worry. And temper those with a bit of poise and patience. Maybe those two "p" words are a major clue to getting through the Dark Epoch happily.

Cosmic Piper

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