Friday, September 19, 2014

Forecast-Meditation: Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 September 2014

Saturday 20 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Leo; Foci in 11, Friends and Hopes, and 2, Allies and Possessions

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:34p PT | 0:34a(Su) ET | 4:34a(Su) UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues

The water-wheel keeps turning, thoughts churning.
A school of thinking pumped out by the stream
Carries truth into minds solitary, closed to mistakes,
Owlish in tree-perched normal obliviousness.

Now the wheel is cranked by a man, who estimates the
Stream and applies his might where world-might still is
Lacking. He has his eye on a pageant, a Mardi Gras, 
A triumph of human invention, spontaneous assertion.

The stock-whip of a masked cattle-dealer finds out 
Human bottoms playfully. Robust fresh strength laughs at
Anything less than what is wild and free. The sun shines
Down on the excitement of a chase for merited glory.

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 21 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Leo-->Virgo; Foci in 12, Research or Confinement and 1, Self or Focus

/moon void-of-course (see Saturday)
until it enters Virgo at 8:55a PT | 11:55a ET | 3:55p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 6:19p PT | 9:19p ET | 1:19a(M) UT

To prepare himself for warfare he prepares himself for 
Cricket. It's a game which feels a sport which sports a
Battle. He knows he must respond to duty by the
Rules; be one who is relied on or be nothing very real.

The cardinal of the church is quick and energetic, 
Interfacing with the ordinary dudes, the sharp-groomed
Mustachioed men who raise their eyebrows at the highflown.
Expressionless, they choose the popular, what peers enjoy.

Acquisitive, he holds his money close within his pockets.
The priest has eyes on that, but speaks of ancient wisdom.
The covetous one too covets truth but does not know 
Just how to purchase it or measure out its cost. 

Cosmic Piper
(continued . . . )

Forecast for Saturday 20 through Wednesday 24 September 2014


The ordinary man or ordinary woman--who is he, who is she? What is ordinary? What is really conventional? Not much, any more. "Anything goes" was the theme song of an earlier generation of the 1920s but seems to have reached its realization now--change even your bodily identity through tattoos or sexual transmogrification. Yet there remain norms, however hard they may be to define, and you become aware of them by observing those around you. Another question: Who is great? Who has such character that he or she is regarded as essential by the public? Not many, but it might be good to consider who they are at present and what they have truly achieved. 

There are claims, there are self-assertions, there are demonstrations of excellence. This can seem like a pageant, humanity exhibiting itself and its exalting achievements whether they be in the arts, clothing, music, mechanics or intellectual construction. It goes on and on and we each select from all of it what inspires us. Those who look deeper find a spiritual heritage as well, a domain of high standards which uplift consciousness to a more perspicuous realm. This has been denominated Truth, Virtue, Principle, or Love.Those who attend churches or synagogues get fragments parceled out to them, or ignite their own insights with the fuel the ceremonials and sermons impart.

At what seems an even higher level, we approach the Angelic kingdom. Whether one believes this to be a realm of real invisible beings (many do; consult Geoffrey Hodson's writings, for example) or an idealized extrapolation of super-humanity, it is real in some sense as something toward which we aspire and of which we are deeply appreciative when it manifests. Although we have entered the autumn of the year, symbols for this five-day period have much sunlight in them. This perhaps signifies the spiritual sun beyond the usual "orb of day" or constituting it on higher planes of reality. We can become conscious of our own powers, both those ordinary or normal and those supernormal. They are lent to us from above, or are our inalienable right if one prefers to think of it that way. I prefer the thought of Grace, for who can claim to have created himself in truth? Not many have ecclesiastical careers, or care for the monkish or cloistered life, yet all who meditate or pray have that life going on in some segment of their day, some place in their home, some canticle in their consciousness. We approach Truth, Principle, Love through greatness in others as reflected into ourselves, or the greatness of the Supreme if we reach that high or let that height come down to us.

{Saturday 20 through Wednesday 24 September}  /Supernormality\

Cosmic Piper

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