Monday, September 29, 2014

Forecast: Tuesday 30 September and Wednesday 1 October 2014

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Sun in Libra; Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn; Foci in 3, Communication or Neighbors and 10, Honor or Career

/moon void-of-course  **
until it enters Capricorn at 9:42p PT | 12:42a(W) ET | 4:42a(W) UT   ***

^Quiet Allegiance^

Flags are displayed at the funeral, and an honor guard;
An eagle flies overhead. It crows at the 21-volley salute.
The deceased had tried; had adjusted; had struggled to refine
And confirm his allegiance. A great crowd believes in him. 

She has loved, not always wisely according to the world;
But she never valued its opinion. The ones she chose
To confide in, sympathize with, bestow her affections upon
Were childish, whimsical, fools: But tied to her with cords of love.

His sincerity was never questioned even by those who spurned
His religion. He wore its garb, enduring melancholy, for he
Cared about all suffering. His intellect searched for answers
In seclusion while protected by some in favoring positions.

{Tuesday} ^Quiet Allegiance^

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Sun in Libra; Moon in Capricorn; Foci in 4, Home or Foundation and 9, Travel or Comprehension  

Moon on course   ***

\Prison or Adventure?/

She had suffered too much in her marriage, looked elsewhere;
The prickly husband was out of her way forever. In moonlight
She saw a fox running behind a bush. She could mourn,
Or rejoice, or seek prey like the fox and croaked husband.

The gun he had bought was somewhere on his person. 
He was ready to go in the van with followers, but knew
Things could get worse because he couldn't stop fighting. 
Yet journeying could bring fame. Quarrels must be foregone.

His girlfriend was sweet and obliging, carrying seed for birds,
Flattering all to gain approval. She knew he could end up in
Prison. It had happened before. He took life according to what
He believed, with selfish naivete. She fed his high hopes.

{Wednesday}   /Prison or Adventure?\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Sunday 28 and Monday 29 September 2014

Sunday 28 September 2014

Sun in Libra; Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius; Foci in 2, Possessions and Allies and 11, Friends and Hopes   **

/moon goes void-of-course at 1:32p PT | 4:32p ET | 8:32p UT   *
until it enters Sagittarius at 3:51p PT | 6:51p ET | 10:51p UT   **
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues all day

^Dreaming the Past into the Future^

His projects have failed, he has no solid hope, but rests
Content. He sleeps on a heap of stones by the side of the road.
Angels place a magic lantern at the left of his head and he
Dreams of redeeming the past through reconciliations.

The signboard at the wayside inn hangs from a tree. 
A brilliant man spends his days there, drinking and 
Dreaming magnificent plans. People think he has lost 
It. The past into which he retreats aids not his present.

Reclusive, he cares for ceremonies, has resembled a priest 
In some of his years. He shines like a sun for those who
Are able to believe in his puissance. Sensuous at times,
He is admired by those who value rich public glory.

{Sunday} ^Dreaming the Past into the Future^

Monday 29 September 2014

Sun in Libra; Moon in Sagittarius; Foci in 3, Neighbors and Communication and 10, Career and Honor   ***

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 5:18a PT | 8:18a ET | 12:18p UT   ****
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:30p PT | 11:30p ET | 3:30a(Tu) UT   ***

^Laboratory of Error and Trial^

A magician stands within his circle, vested in robes
Of credulity or faith, ready for ceremonial invocation.
A laboratory of error and trial casts lamp-rays on his
Endeavor. He hopes, attempts, reconciles invisible aides.

Is he childish and whimsical, wasting our power and time?
Could he be a mini-messiah affording our world some redemption?
An angel unrolls a scroll above his head. Its writing no one reads.
The ceremony concludes, the angel ascends, the world wonders.

A priest who looked on from a neighboring window is peaceful
And quiet, supported by persons of influence, power, wealth. 
He has prayed for warriors, supported wounding and killing, 
Done his civic duty. He wonders what the scroll announced. 

{Monday} ^Laboratory of Error and Trial^

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Forecast-Meditation: Friday 26 and Saturday 27 September 2014

Friday 26 September 2014

Sun in Libra; Moon in Libra-Scorpio; Foci in 2, Possessions and Allies and 11, Friends and Hopes   ***

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:40a PT | 8:40a ET | 12:40p UT  **
until it enters Scorpio at 7:30a PT | 10:30a ET | 2:30p UT   ***
Moon remains in the Via Combusta
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 1:37p PT | 4:37p ET | 8:37p UT   **

Waste and extravagance, fallen idols are strewn across
The prairie. A mother brings her children, covers their
Faces to protect from high wind, helps them climb a natural
Staircase to a shelter from wanton men aligned with storm.

A man with a broken plough tries to repair it in the tempest.
Weary of trouble and privation, he takes on menial work
As almost an elixir. Stress and strain lead to recovery
As the sun breaks through the clouds to lighten his hard labor.

A broken hammer doesn't help him fix the plough. He feels
As blunt as his tools and wonders why his life is backward. 
But the sun is out. He yawns. Looking up and around he
Chooses to emulate a man he admires and carry on.

Sunday 27 September 2014

Sun in Libra; Moon in Scorpio; Foci in 2, Possessions and Allies and 11, Friends and Hopes
Moon leaves the Via Combusta at 11:58a PT | 2:58p ET | 6:58p UT   ***
|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week continues

A woman with a snake around her neck has many boyfriends
As jealous of her passions as the snake in its artful twining.
Her confidence is endless as she rests on independence
While letting goddess powers reward the ones she loves.

The storm has ended and the sun's bright rays now radiate
Recovery. A triangle of red bursts forth from the breast
Of a man whose impulses lead him through hurts to manifest
His lofty aspirations. He recuperates from upset, red again. 

Beneath the wide-branched tree she rests awhile, appreciating
The one she's read about, the man of fame and fortune 
Whose exploits are so fruitful he appears in endless
Leading stories. Her life too merits friends and a large family.

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Forecast-Meditation: Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 September 2014

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Sun in Libra; Moon in Libra; Foci in 1, Self or Focus and 12, Confinement or Research

Moon on course   ****

Venus has sweet aspects. 

}Some Love{

Out in the country he regards his flocks, sheep, cattle
Through wariness, heedful counsel. In rocks around them
He senses things forming, processes in matrixes,
Changing foundations for futures accepted or molded.

He has been honest, just, scrupulous throughout his life,
But wonders if this has got him anything. He feel unhappy;
Prays. Above in the sun some energy, some consciousness,
Some angel points a spear of light embracing him.

The piano man is in fine form, attracts a crowd, sings
With artistry and eloquence while a rabbi enters the
Room of assembly. He knows the value of song, of
Chants, of popularity. He links them with his heritage.

There is a lot of beauty in this day, of artistry and, dare I say, love. Let's believe and accept it.

{Wednesday}  {Some Love}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday 25 September 2014

Sun in Libra; Moon in Libra; Foci in 1, Self or Focus and 12, Research or Introspection

Moon in the Via Combusta (unnecessary loss of morale)   ***

The astrologer wanders the earth while watching the stars
Which cover the deep blue above. He passes a woman on stairs
With her children. They climb and descend; she watches
And teaches. He discovers above what she knows from within.

The prisoner bound in chains has gotten himself in them
Through narrow vision. His mind is gigantic, but stuck in interests
Laughably childish. No one could tell him: his freedom
Requires developing skills to uplift himself, the earth, all.

The robed man carries a sacred book beneath a lighted
Window. Two women walk by, arm in arm,
Whispering confidentially. The priest listens while opening
His book.  They greet him and plan a double wedding.

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 September 2014

Monday 22 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Virgo; Foci in 12, Research or Confinement and 1, Self or Focus

A prose forecast for five days including this one is repeated below. 

The villagers, the urbanites, the rustics gather, colorful
In costume, tattoo, designer garb, linking in surprising
Ways, networking. Cupid looks on, muses, ferrets out his
Victims. Incurable romantics tumble to compelled allurement.

A fashionable man has cleanly shaved, structured his mustache,
Chosen through expressionless eyes conventional amusement.
On his way he meets a man without a head, shrouded in mystery,
Precipitating melancholy where he stumbles. Midnight is approaching.

A priest in his robe stands within the cloister while a sensuous
Well-endowed woman looks within her mirror. When they meet
The terror, pain, confusion of their ingrown opposition 
Tears their minds and hearts away from what they thought they knew.

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Sun in Libra; Moon in Virgo; Foci in 12, Confinement or Introspection and 1, Focus or Self

Beneath a wide-branching tree she contemplates her unions,
Disunions, beaus and old mates, exes and would-be ins. 
An apple falls in her lap. The boy or young man she has eyed
Walks near. He is smart and husbandly--possibly fruitful?

He holds a sword. He looks as if he could wound. 
His eyes are large, but now he shows the profile of his
Well-shaved face. He wants something popular, wanted
By all, and maybe would fight--ready for trouble, disgrace.

She would take her chances and visit with him farther shores.
She would trust that her father, the pastor, would credit his
Incipient goodness. She would put fresh romance, new sensation,
The sea, foreign roaming ahead of the danger of fatality.

Cosmic Piper

Forecast for Saturday 20 through Wednesday 24 September 2014


The ordinary man or ordinary woman--who is he, who is she? What is ordinary? What is really conventional? Not much, any more. "Anything goes" was the theme song of an earlier generation of the 1920s but seems to have reached its realization now--change even your bodily identity through tattoos or sexual transmogrification. Yet there remain norms, however hard they may be to define, and you become aware of them by observing those around you. Another question: Who is great? Who has such character that he or she is regarded as essential by the public? Not many, but it might be good to consider who they are at present and what they have truly achieved. 

There are claims, there are self-assertions, there are demonstrations of excellence. This can seem like a pageant, humanity exhibiting itself and its exalting achievements whether they be in the arts, clothing, music, mechanics or intellectual construction. It goes on and on and we each select from all of it what inspires us. Those who look deeper find a spiritual heritage as well, a domain of high standards which uplift consciousness to a more perspicuous realm. This has been denominated Truth, Virtue, Principle, or Love.Those who attend churches or synagogues get fragments parceled out to them, or ignite their own insights with the fuel the ceremonials and sermons impart.

At what seems an even higher level, we approach the Angelic kingdom. Whether one believes this to be a realm of real invisible beings (many do; consult Geoffrey Hodson's writings, for example) or an idealized extrapolation of super-humanity, it is real in some sense as something toward which we aspire and of which we are deeply appreciative when it manifests. Although we have entered the autumn of the year, symbols for this five-day period have much sunlight in them. This perhaps signifies the spiritual sun beyond the usual "orb of day" or constituting it on higher planes of reality. We can become conscious of our own powers, both those ordinary or normal and those supernormal. They are lent to us from above, or are our inalienable right if one prefers to think of it that way. I prefer the thought of Grace, for who can claim to have created himself in truth? Not many have ecclesiastical careers, or care for the monkish or cloistered life, yet all who meditate or pray have that life going on in some segment of their day, some place in their home, some canticle in their consciousness. We approach Truth, Principle, Love through greatness in others as reflected into ourselves, or the greatness of the Supreme if we reach that high or let that height come down to us.

{Saturday 20 through Wednesday 24 September}  /Supernormality\

Cosmic Piper

Friday, September 19, 2014

Forecast-Meditation: Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 September 2014

Saturday 20 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Leo; Foci in 11, Friends and Hopes, and 2, Allies and Possessions

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:34p PT | 0:34a(Su) ET | 4:34a(Su) UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues

The water-wheel keeps turning, thoughts churning.
A school of thinking pumped out by the stream
Carries truth into minds solitary, closed to mistakes,
Owlish in tree-perched normal obliviousness.

Now the wheel is cranked by a man, who estimates the
Stream and applies his might where world-might still is
Lacking. He has his eye on a pageant, a Mardi Gras, 
A triumph of human invention, spontaneous assertion.

The stock-whip of a masked cattle-dealer finds out 
Human bottoms playfully. Robust fresh strength laughs at
Anything less than what is wild and free. The sun shines
Down on the excitement of a chase for merited glory.

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 21 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Leo-->Virgo; Foci in 12, Research or Confinement and 1, Self or Focus

/moon void-of-course (see Saturday)
until it enters Virgo at 8:55a PT | 11:55a ET | 3:55p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 6:19p PT | 9:19p ET | 1:19a(M) UT

To prepare himself for warfare he prepares himself for 
Cricket. It's a game which feels a sport which sports a
Battle. He knows he must respond to duty by the
Rules; be one who is relied on or be nothing very real.

The cardinal of the church is quick and energetic, 
Interfacing with the ordinary dudes, the sharp-groomed
Mustachioed men who raise their eyebrows at the highflown.
Expressionless, they choose the popular, what peers enjoy.

Acquisitive, he holds his money close within his pockets.
The priest has eyes on that, but speaks of ancient wisdom.
The covetous one too covets truth but does not know 
Just how to purchase it or measure out its cost. 

Cosmic Piper
(continued . . . )

Forecast for Saturday 20 through Wednesday 24 September 2014


The ordinary man or ordinary woman--who is he, who is she? What is ordinary? What is really conventional? Not much, any more. "Anything goes" was the theme song of an earlier generation of the 1920s but seems to have reached its realization now--change even your bodily identity through tattoos or sexual transmogrification. Yet there remain norms, however hard they may be to define, and you become aware of them by observing those around you. Another question: Who is great? Who has such character that he or she is regarded as essential by the public? Not many, but it might be good to consider who they are at present and what they have truly achieved. 

There are claims, there are self-assertions, there are demonstrations of excellence. This can seem like a pageant, humanity exhibiting itself and its exalting achievements whether they be in the arts, clothing, music, mechanics or intellectual construction. It goes on and on and we each select from all of it what inspires us. Those who look deeper find a spiritual heritage as well, a domain of high standards which uplift consciousness to a more perspicuous realm. This has been denominated Truth, Virtue, Principle, or Love.Those who attend churches or synagogues get fragments parceled out to them, or ignite their own insights with the fuel the ceremonials and sermons impart.

At what seems an even higher level, we approach the Angelic kingdom. Whether one believes this to be a realm of real invisible beings (many do; consult Geoffrey Hodson's writings, for example) or an idealized extrapolation of super-humanity, it is real in some sense as something toward which we aspire and of which we are deeply appreciative when it manifests. Although we have entered the autumn of the year, symbols for this five-day period have much sunlight in them. This perhaps signifies the spiritual sun beyond the usual "orb of day" or constituting it on higher planes of reality. We can become conscious of our own powers, both those ordinary or normal and those supernormal. They are lent to us from above, or are our inalienable right if one prefers to think of it that way. I prefer the thought of Grace, for who can claim to have created himself in truth? Not many have ecclesiastical careers, or care for the monkish or cloistered life, yet all who meditate or pray have that life going on in some segment of their day, some place in their home, some canticle in their consciousness. We approach Truth, Principle, Love through greatness in others as reflected into ourselves, or the greatness of the Supreme if we reach that high or let that height come down to us.

{Saturday 20 through Wednesday 24 September}  /Supernormality\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Forecast: Thursday 18 and Friday 19 September 2014

Thursday 18 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Cancer-->Leo; Foci in 11, Friendship or Hope and 2, Possessions or Allies   ****

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:39a PT | 2:39p ET | 6:39p UT   ***
until it enters Leo at 8:11p PT | 11:11p ET | 3:11a(F) UT   ****

The child learning to walk imitates a bull
He sees in the farmyard. His father prospers by
Cattle while the son toddles, falls, toddles.
His mother gossips gaily with her neighbor.

A horse grazes by a broken wheel. Not much to do
Today. It's easy to slack off. The women get back
To housework, family needs, united homes and 
Friendliness. There's time to drift into the evening.

The sun will set; meanwhile it shines as brightly as
The public man who daily imitates it. He's watchful
While he prunes and sometimes harvests grapes he's
Cultivated prudently. The boy crawls to his mama's feast.

{Thursday} ~Lazy Friendly Harvest~

You know how often I have referred to the Dark Hermetic Epoch as a time when decisions are possibly wrong or more complicated than appears, so that one can easily fall into an error such as quitting a job or marriage, or taking on something one ought not to take on because the situation is too complex or one cannot foresee the coming imbroglio. So we have, now, at the very beginning of a new Dark Epoch, the Administration's rather dark or unforeseeing leap into something possibly disastrous in Syria and Iraq. "The Slippery Slope Begins" trumpets the New York Times, perhaps fairly and accurately. And Thomas Friedman, who was a hawk during the Iraq war (to the dismay of people like myself), even he, is highly skeptical about this perilous adventure:  "Take a Deep Breath:  ISIS and the Arab World."  The Dark Hermetic Epoch is real, and can be dangerous. It has just begun and lasts until November 10. National war policy ought to be very very cautious. Friedman's piece is very much worth reading and pondering. 

Cosmic Piper

Friday 19 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Leo; Foci in 11, Friends or Hopes and 2, Allies or Possessions 
|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week all day   ***

^Early or Late Fulfillment^

The owl is smug, doesn't know suffering,
Snags what he wants without effort. Somehow
He knows it's early in life, he is yet unfulfilled,
Maturity a dream he postpones or dreads.

The sky is beautiful, bright and cloudless-- 
Why worry? Prosperity bubbles from every
Crevice; happiness cascades into easy
Fulfillment. Yet expression remains unexpressed.

The one who is essential pleases his public, owns
His destiny, cares about everyone's children and 
Knows his value secure.  Long life is long blessing
For him and the tender strong ones he guards lovingly. 

{Friday} ^Early or Late Fulfillment^

Connected with yesterday's comments about the Dark Hermetic Epoch (September 14 through November 9), let's try to clarify what this means for the individual. I am feeling it out again, as I do every time . . . It feels like this:  Wait, sometimes, before taking action, especially if it is precipitous or sudden or unexpected or not previously planned. But also, do take action if it seems eminently reasonable, in your interest, and not disruptive to anyone else's life. 

That may sound like basic common sense, but it needs to be reiterated at these times, when we can easily get lost in either despair or a mad rush into something which pretends to remove that despair but could actually make it worse in the long run. Please remember all your best "positive thinking" or spiritually uplifting beliefs, so as to avoid excessive worry. And temper those with a bit of poise and patience. Maybe those two "p" words are a major clue to getting through the Dark Epoch happily.

Cosmic Piper

Monday, September 15, 2014

Forecast: Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 September 2014

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Gemini-->Cancer; Foci in 10, Career or Honor and 3, Communication or Associates

/moon void-of-course (beginning at 2:06a UT, Monday evening in the Western Hemisphere, time given yesterday)   *
until it enters Cancer at 8:25a PT | 11:25a ET | 3:25p UT   **

~Dismally Keeping On, with Concentration~

A sense of betrayal has been upon us in recent weeks, and although it is diminishing (as the opposition of Venus with Neptune subsides, for example) it could have a comeback today. How do you feel betrayed, by whom or what? "It's just life" is one answer, and the horrible betrayals of those falsely imprisoned all around the world are an antidote to our worries about our own tiny problems. Getting out from behind obstacles develops ability, which can void the moroseness of feeling betrayed, by developing skill and mobilizing concentration on accomplishment. 

Lacking direction, being aimless, could be a problem. An emphasis on career skills could be smart. It is too easy to drift. An antidote to this is aggression, as if fighting a war. Yet those fighting literally, around the world, and government officials fighting through their military proxies, are not necessarily happy in the process. Still when it needs to be done it needs to be done. Overcoming enemies is a dismal sort of overcoming but could be required. Ending enmity at the spiritual level is even better, when possible. That does not always preclude a physical battle. 

Eternal values require dedication to become real in our living. Sometimes this includes service of a basic, unimaginative sort. We can yawn and get on with it. The miner with his pickaxe has to keep on picking through fruitless, treasureless periods. If you resonate with a spiritual heritage, you know you can keep on keeping on. 

{Tuesday} ~Dismally Keeping On, with Concentration~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Sun in Virgo; Moon in Cancer; Foci in 10, Honor or Career and 3, Associates and Communication

Moon on course   ****

~Social Gamesmanship Within Tradition~

Pioneering and reforming are possible, perhaps in your career area. Your abilities are intense and sensitive to competition, able to master the reality of the situation. This is complex and daring. You may tangle amiably with a friend close to home or headquarters.

Many are sociable and cordial. This makes for good family relations even if there are practical problems in the home (such as heating or upkeep). People will discuss their issues confidentially. You may note that many are drifting in a laissez faire manner, not ambitious enough to be executive or successful in the ordinary sense.

People can be versatile and humane, associating with one another so as to form helpful links. This could be colorful and interesting. A sense of heritage or spiritual tradition can unify us when we share the same lineage or our lineages are similar enough to allow insights and aspirations to meld.

{Wednesday} ~Social Gamesmanship Within Tradition~

Cosmic Piper