Sunday, October 28, 2012

Forecast: Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday, October 29-31, 2012

Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus, 2012

Beginning Sunday-Monday 28-29
at 11:16p(Su) PT | 2:16a(M) ET | 6:16a(M) UT
through Monday 29 and Tuesday 30
/moon goes void-of-course Monday at 2:02p PT|5:02p ET|9:02p UT
until Luna enters Sagittarius Wednesday 31
at 11:41a PT | 2:41p ET | 6:41p UT

Full Moon of Scorpio-Taurus is exact Monday 29
at 12:51p PT | 3:51p ET | 7:51p UT

|The difficult or stressful third of this week| ends

Tuesday 30 at 3:24p PT | 6:24p ET | 10:24p UT

\Implicit Solidarity/

Some of the trends are: (1) The Dark Hermetic Epoch (October 18 through December 13), wherein we tend to drift into deep thoughts, past glories, reliving memories and re-experiencing the present in new surprising ways; (2) the sun's conjunction with Saturn in Sccorpio, now fading but still with us, a very sober aspect inclining to caution in business, spending, and social life; (3) more encouraging, Venus's entrance into Libra, gradually beginning a trine with Jupiter in Gemini (exact November 8-9), suggesting basic well-being and opportunities for happy times and fulfillment. Venus in Virgo, since October 3, has been a tendency to stick to routines and refine or improve them, focusing on expected results as they can be anticipated and maneuvered. That has been helpful. You have probably set up better ways of handling diet, work methods and daily routines. Now, with Venus in Libra as of Sunday (until November 22), you could rely on that foundation while moving toward more exciting social developments, consummations enjoyed with others in varied locales and situations. People feel the world is theirs when Venus is in Libra, and that love in multifarious unserious and serious forms surrounds them. The delusion or illusion, if such it be, is a welcome delusion or illusion while it lasts, indulged with a smile on two or more faces.

Mixed with this is the |hard third of the week| lasting until Tuesday afternoon, and the long void-of-course period from Monday afternoon until the period's end early Wednesday afternoon. (Times above.) Probably it is better not to expect much, and then you will be pleasantly surprised by what turns out to your liking. Big plans in business are likely to be changeable, meeting with checks and needing to be reformulated. Good things which turn up outside of, or as a side effect of, your diligent plans are likely. They point toward prosperity.

Sharing what one gains by good fortune with the world which has granted it, through projects which make things better for people, is an ideal most of us share and you may become more conscious of ways it can be done.

Your mind sees into and beyond deceptions, schemes, and confusions. If someone you like seems bewildered or taken in by something unreal or deceptive, you see that this is causing him or her needless labor to no good end. What can you do? That could be different in each situation. You appeal to or awaken insight in people in pleasant esthetic settings such as a restaurant, well-appointed home or place of enjoyment. When guards come down, better thinking emanates.

The spiritual, religious, or seeking side of people is evident. It is interesting that each of us does this in a different way, so to the "other" each one's way of seeking seems strange or melancholic, almost crazy. This one is crazy because a Scientologist, that because a Mormon, that because a strict Catholic or devotee of a strange guru or an atheist, and so on. So we have to appreciate somehow one another's spiritual crazinesses. Perhaps the world is learning how to do this. Perhaps what seems crazy to one is valid as a temporary path to another. When we are impatient, we have to realize that "temporary" can mean "through a given lifetime."

The leap of faith toward rebirth in humanity as a whole, regardless of individual and group beliefs, is one we can take, each in his or her own way. If we have to believe that ultimately all will come around to our own viewpoint, well, that is natural, and who knows, maybe some of us are right. (Although I remain a Christian, I believe that Sri Aurobindo struggled harder and with better results than anyone toward reconciling all paths in a spiritually philosophic mountain of joining paths, a detailed and definite yet all-embracing Yoga.)

Our feet remain on the ground. During this period you may sense that many things are "taken out of your hands"--and that thankfully! That is, you can drop worry and concern because in many cases you have done what you can, set things up as best you know how, and only have to continue on your carefully constructed path, making modifications as necessary, and trust that somehow the cosmos will bow to you and bless you with prosperity needed for your next advance, whenever and wherever that may be.

{Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday} /Implicit Solidarity\

Cosmic Piper

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