Friday, October 2, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 3 October 2009

Saturday 3 October 2009

*Full Responsible Moon*

The moon in Aries opposing the sun in Libra makes for a Harvest Moon, exact in late evening or early morning of Sunday (depending on time zone). It might be a beautiful sight and worthy of meditation.

We remain in the |retreat| third of the week until a few hours after that Full Moon; out of it by Sunday morning.

The moon is forming a sextile with Jupiter on Sunday, discernible Saturday evening, so moods are gradually lifting.

Specialized study could be helpful as reducing a sense of ineptitude.

There could be explosive reactions to any sense of limitation while Venus and (more closely) Mercury oppose Uranus. People are yearning for freedom, but learning they need to accept limits in certain directions, and work within them, in order to have freedom in other directions.

A kind of metaphysical discontent may push you toward mystical outreach. Thus meditation on, or rather with or through, the moon could lift your sights way beyond the ordinary, yielding ecstasy.

Observing rituals, or set spiritual routines, could be helpful. Our time-sense needs certain foci, lineaments, walls and apertures, in order to keep us sane; religious or spiritual signposts.

It may be hard to see what the increasing sextile of Venus and Mars means, unless you are in a blissful relationship. If not, you main gain a sense of camaraderie, friendship, and peaceful communion with others. Sometimes you feel luxuriously supported.

If this euphoria veers toward the erotic or sensual, as well it might at a Full Moon, you are the one responsible for mastering such impulses and seeing that they do not hurt anyone or yourself. Then you feel strong, not dull, and the alternations of sexual currents within the body, or the kundalini, serve you rather than the other way around.

You are not likely to lose your head (the moon in Aries the sign of the head) because you feel prudent, wanting to secure a happy future for yourself in whatever way experience has pointed out as feasible.

{Saturday} *Full Responsible Moon*

Cosmic Piper

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