Sunday, October 4, 2009

Forecast for Monday 5 October 2009

Monday 5 October 2009

\Pacing with Destiny/

My Google mail is not working today, for whatever mysterious techno-geek reason (hey guys I guess you took the weekend off), so I am posting directly from the Group site, which means there is a different look. I wanted to make the type larger than this but the next higher font is much too large. Yahoo, you guys are awfully incompetent, or is it careless, sometimes. But when we use a free service we are at their mercy.

We have Prime Time only after the moon enters Taurus at 9:34a PT | 12:34p ET | 4:34p UT. So the morning could be more Monday-morning-ish than usual.

Nevertheless, I think most will be fairly happy about the way business is shaping up, albeit slowly. We might even see a renewed campaign toward medical-care reform in Congress or by the Administration. This might be easier now that Mercury is gaining speed every day (though not out of the Dark until October 14).

A yod with Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune, focused on the last, suggests a heightened sense of responsibility. You want to do the right thing and are willing to keep pushing, making whatever sacrifices necessary, not even feeling them as sacrifices when they are just part of the process.

Many will feel unfortunate, or sense that their troubles have no end, while Mercury and Venus both approach Saturn. This could be in regard to health, work, technical matters or complex details. But it is wonderful to feel you are nobly sticking with your program regardless of little obstacles which test your strength and determination. Such true grit could bring you fame and recognition.

A solitary trend suggests you are wanting to focus on what only you can do, without a lot of negotiation or input (which might seem like interference) from anyone else. Some tasks you understand and do well could be distasteful to others.

There is something rough, rustic, and independent in your attitude. You know you need others' approval but want to get it in your own way, not exactly the way they expect. This robust quality may make you an object of neglect or indifference for a while, but serves you well when you know what you are doing and why.

The day is not lacking in enchantment, at moments when you take a breather and thrill to some of the magic surrounding you. You can sense your deeper destiny working out, as if someone had given you the torch in a race and you carry on. Not caring about applause, you will likely earn it.

It is well to eliminate from the day whatever has no immediate welcome in your consciousness. The dross needs to be separated from the precious metal. You have high goals and persist toward them.

{Monday} / Pacing with Destiny\

Cosmic Piper

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