Sunday, May 13, 2012

Monday 14 May 2012

~Career as Service~

A focus on career is natural while the Part of Fortune is in the 10th sector, so that you are willing to spend more time at perfecting your approach to your particular skill (whether used directly for profit or not) than usual. It's a matter of pride and honor.

The missing pieces of the puzzle may cause some agony. The quincunx is the "thorn in the flesh" aspect, or can be, presenting unresolved issues in unexpected form. We have one between Mars and Uranus, Virgo to Aries, which can be technical problems as well as issues about your health regimen. There is also one between Saturn and the Jupiter-sun conjunction. Today this could affect questions of travel, such as local errands, having to go places you didn't expect to go, as well as peculiar personal relationships which seem to go nowhere yet require attention. What you need may seem oddly unattainable until you go around obstacles seemingly put perversely in your path.

At times you may be willing to do your work unseen, unheralded, unacknowledged. You can be the mystery man or woman who is not even realized as indispensable. You sense remarkable things about methods of getting things done. You are also alert to human relationships held under a cloud because people are shy as well as focused on their own duties.

Some of the things you have developed methods for doing, though getting little or no applause or reward, are of great value to more than one individual. So you keep on no matter what the frustrations, and earn "a reward in heaven" or in your karmic bank account.

Some of the depression to which you might be subject could be relieved by remembering teaching which has been given you by someone who has your best interests at heart, albeit may be hard to follow that instruction.

The moon is in Pisces. Those who need a social safety net may turn up on your doorstep. How do we treat those who beg or ask for help? Jesus said "Give to those who ask you," without qualification. Jesus did not say, "First consider whether this person deserves what he asks for and then give only if you think he will use it wisely." That is a distinctly unChristian way to think. Am I able to follow that advice of the Master? I have failed over and over again. I usually pull back from those who ask for money on the street. But recently a young woman who looked sad and helpless asked, and I shook my head and walked on, and afterward have had many sad thoughts about her, feeling that I had been a lout to reject her request for a dollar, and remembering the look of pain in her face as she turned away.

Visions of the future evoke your talents. What you sense as a desirable community of the human spirit impresses itself upon you again and again so that you desire to do something, some little bit at least, to bring it nearer. Technology can help, and technology can be an obstacle; we are learning discrimination in such matters after overeager false starts.

You may be aware of those who are proud and tyrannical, or would be tyrannical if they had the power. Rare is the one who can combine pride in his standing and achievement with humble service for those over whom he stands in some hierarchical relation. These are the true priest-kings of the ages, whom we need desperately. At his best perhaps your boss, or someone who stands above you in a hierarchy, senses the ideal and becomes for a time noble, at least in his own mind. That is a beginning.

Meanwhile friendly co-workers carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. It is amazing how hard many minimum-wage workers labor. Unselfishness is good for the heart, soul, and health.

{Monday} ~Career as Service~

Cosmic Piper

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