Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 19 May 2011

Thursday 19 May 2011

\Satisfaction through Care and Cultivated Significance/

The day is a mixture in a big way, with negative and positive indications, that is, difficult and pleasing ones, panning out about equal. There could be a great deal of pleasure, yet tinged with serious concerns which can't help coming forward.

A turn to the spiritual side of your nature would protect you. Jesus said the man who wanted to be "chiefest" would have to be "servant of all" (Mark 10). This is a hard saying which has echoed down the centuries making men more humble than they would have been otherwise. When you focus on your own tasks, chosen by your capabilities, you work through pros and cons of how to proceed and end up "serving" better than if you had sought satisfaction for its own sake. Whereas those who seek to rule regardless of their qualifications end up as despised tyrants.

Horticulture or gardening is favored, as it has been recently with four planets in Taurus (because the Aries stellium has moved into that sign). This creates a social or neighborly situation. Cutting back unwanted growth and removing waste is sometimes necessary.

Failures or losses are in your consciousness as a basis for reformulated endeavor. We sometimes lose family connections because preoccupied with something more individual and personal. That is fine when the direction is positive, but still the tradition of family, or ancestry, has meaning and value.

With the moon in Capricorn square Saturn, people have a tendency to hurt one another. This can be conscious or subconscious; a desire to torment someone in order to "get even." Yet when the depths of the trend have been reached, there is an awakening to the tragedy on the way and the situation can be saved through wise choice.

Sheer pleasure is all right when one's conscience approves. There is a trend to bodily luxury and easy satisfaction. This is better when shared as consciously as possible with someone (or several).

The adventurous side of the day can save it, if it awakens you to unsuspected glories in the human race. Aplomb can survive any disappointment. Nature provides so much, more than we comprehend, and simply appreciating that, and perhaps improving it, in the company of fellow human beings can make the day a happy one.

{Thursday} /Satisfaction through Care and Cultivated Significance\

Cosmic Piper

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