Message for Friday 10 January 2025
♧ Pilgrimage ♧ 1 What is the difference between personality and reason? They are complementary functions. "A Muse is weighing twins." There is the world of the senses and the realm of eternalities. They are united in spiritual wholeness. Then all things are evaluated wisely. 2 Estranged from his kindred, a man follows an adventurous, precarious livelihood. He roams distant places carrying a load of cares with resignation. Leaning on a long staff he walks down a hill in his remarkable pilgrimage. 3 A ferry boat takes people across a wide deep stream. A guide and teacher of the public is of far more service to others than to himself. 4 We are enamored of the beautiful, the refined, the ornamental. Love is in the air, along with music and good company. The smooth aspect between Mars and Venus coming up from January 18th through February 2nd may be foreshadowing itself. Friday ♧ Pilgrimage ♧ Cosmic Piper Moon in Gemini Karmically sobering third of this week is with us until late Saturday nightThursday, January 9, 2025
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Message for Thursday 9 January 2025
Message for Thursday 9 January 2025
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Message for Wednesday 8 January 2025
Message for Wednesday 8 January 2025
◇Heritage◇ 1 A child of about five with a huge shopping bag is a naive steward of what he owns, what he might own, and of what others own or might own. He serves the community within the range of his skills. He expects a lot but is satisfied with whatever he gets. 2 An older person spends time in a niche in which are set a lamp and a book or missal. He studies nature's laws patiently so that her secrets are revealed. His devotion and intelligence induce him to study religion, philosophy and fine arts to the point of illumination. 3 An Indian chief demanding recognition is maintaining advantages gained by birth or experience. He is happy when he feels secure in the place he has made for himself. The keyword is Inflexibility. (Could Chief Seattle be presiding invisibly over the city named for him?) 4 A Daughter of the American Revolution rests on an enduring background or established tradition, and maintains it by rejecting sharply the modifying influence of unsympathetic times or events. This is happening not only in America but around the world. People want to be faithful to standards of proved worth. The keyword is Inheritance. Wednesday ◇Heritage◇ Cosmic Piper Moon in TaurusMonday, January 6, 2025
Message for Tuesday 7 January 2025
Message for Tuesday 7 January 2025
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Message for Monday 6 January 2025
Message for Monday 6 January 2025
Twelfth Night and Epiphany I've been saying for weeks that a new Bright Hermetic Epoch would come on January 4, lasting through February 28. It's here. What shall it be like? For years I've been studying charts constructed for the center of each Epoch when Mercury and the sun are conjoined from our geocentric perspective. They work, as basic horoscopes for the whole two month period, as I saw again while I reviewed past Epochs during this lholiday season. But in astrology as elsewhere, hindsight is easier than foresight. So I am still struggling to find a cogent keynote for the new Epoch. I'll say this much: It should be less stressful than the November-December Dark Epoch. That one was full of squares and oppositions. It was good for exercise of skill and orientation more than for fulfillment. This new Epoch could be a lot easier yet we might lose a definitive sense of direction even though things go smoothly. I'll try to make this cleaner as the days go by. I am optimistic. We do need to listen to our souls, to our conscience and Higher Self, rather than fritter away our time. Monday January 6 is Epiphany in the Christian calendar, celebrating the Wise Men's approach to Jesus, giving him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. My favorite (Oxford-Cambridge) translation calls them simply astrologers. Happy 12th Day of Christmas and Epiphany. Cosmic Piper Moon in AriesJanuary 4-11
Message for Week of January 4-11, 2025
¤ Pertinacity ¤ Let's look at a crucial paragraph (6) from last week's forecast: 'We have spoken of the ethically demanding Jupiter-Saturn square exact now though lasting through next July. It summons and builds character. Saturn's symbol this week is "a hand with a sword in it, enveloped in a halo of golden light. That sword is not for indiscriminate slaughter. It is to defend the right." "Whoever thou art, thou hast a mission to accomplish." Yet we all have seen in the news how horribly a sense of mission can go awry. Let's be careful, and settle things through diplomacy as far as possible.' Who is bearing that "sword to defend the right"? Many. I nominate Tommy Robinson and Elon Musk, who are putting their personal convenience and safety way behind their brave defense of the thousands of girls who have been sexually tortured for years in the UK by Muslim gangs. The karmic Jupiter-Saturn square continues this week, indeed until late July, so we need to be specially alert to a challenge to uphold our ideals when that seems difficult. The long awaited Bright Hermetic Epoch of two months begins the first day of this week, January 4. But Saturday is the most intense day of the Difficult Third of this week. We could expect inclement weather and melancholy moods, clearing up Sunday-Monday. Still, we may find plans and agendas shaping up with more clarity and positivity than in November-December. January 4-11: 1 A child of about five with a huge shopping bag has high expectations. Who is that in your life? 2 A large stepladder which leads to nowhere suggests a need for fixedness of purpose rather than just self-amusement. 3 An Indian chief demanding recognition has made a place of advantage for himself and maintains his authority inflexibly. 4 A person of strong will, lofty in deportment, resembles an acute triangle with a cross on the top. He or she would do well in a governmental position. 5 Yet he needs to be sure he does not neglect his higher ideals. What has made his life worthwhile? The inner voice of conscience. "A cross lying on rocks" would be an abandonment of conscience. 6 "In a niche are set a lamp or book and a missal." Devotion to the Supreme returns. Religion, philosophy and the fine arts bring illumination. 7 Can that be shared with others? Not easily. "An old man is attempting vainly to reveal the Mysteries." There needs to be uncompromising integrity and a revolt against inertia: Pertinacity. 8 "A master is instructing his pupil." Self-refinement and self-orientation proceed best when worked at in common. "Personality comes into its own as it is able to direct its own destiny." Not AI but the human masters of AI perform patient investigation with psychological insight. The keyword is Elucidation. Week of January 4-11, 2025 ¤ Pertinacity ¤ Cosmic Piper Saturday 4: Moon in Pisces Karmic third of this week is at highest intensity Sunday 5: Moon goes void-of-course at 6:31a PT until entering Aries at 11:02a PT Karmic third ends around noon PT, early afternoon ETThursday, January 2, 2025
Message for Friday 3 January 2025
Message for Friday 3 January 2025
□ Clearance of Brutality □ Interesting facts: Mathematicians have pointed out that 2025 is 45 × 45 (45 squared). Someone posted this alongside a photo of Trump wearing a red cap with a big 45 on it, signifying that he was the 45th President. Now he shall become the 47th in the year that is 45 squared. It seems I need to offer a short course in the significance of the harsh Mars-Pluto aspects (the conjunction, opposition and square). A square between them was exact on the infamous day of October 7, 2023 when more than a thousand young Israelis were murdered by the Islamic Hamas, with hundreds still held hostage. The opposition between those two planets is exact from December 31 through January 4, 2024-25. You know what happened on New Year's Eve: the brutal murder of innocents in New Orleans by an Islamic terrorist. It's time that people wake up to the horror of Islam. I don't know Muhammad's horoscope but would not be surprised if it featured a harsh Mars-Pluto aspect. Here is what astrologer Reinhold Ebertin says about such aspects: "Ruthlessness, brutality, violent acts, being harmed, danger of accidents and injury, use of brutal means, disregard of others, having to suffer violence, accidents with longlasting consequences." What he leaves out is sexual violence such as rape, but it can definitely be part of the picture. Mars rules male genitalia and Pluto sexuality of all forms. Rape was egregiously, tragically perpetrated on 10/7/23. Further, what is hitting the headlines right now is the case of Tommy Robinson in Britain, who is unjustly imprisoned for the "crime" of reporting boldly and honestly the sexual violence of Islamic immigrant gangs against thousands of young girls in Britain. Rather than praising his heroism, his government has put him in solitary confinement, a form of torture. Fortunately Elon Musk and other true souls are beginning to take up his cause. I surmised that Tommy might have a Mars-Pluto aspect in his birth chart and he has the square by less than 10 degrees. This, with other indications, enables him to see the dangers and fight against them. I'll make no predictions about the next few days but it's likely these issues will remain hot topics. Clearance is needed, and Mars-Pluto is good for that when ethically utilized. Something positive? On Saturday the 4th a new Bright Hermetic Epoch of two months begins. Some of the fog clears, both in politics and personal matters. Then from January 18th to February 2nd a trine between Mars and Venus smooths and harmonizes everything, just as the new Administration gets inaugurated in WDC. There are good reasons for patience and hope. Friday □ Clearance of Brutality □ Cosmic Piper Moon in Aquarius goes void-of-course Thursday at 8:14p PT until it enters Pisces Friday at 7:22a PTWednesday, January 1, 2025
Message for Thursday 2 January 2025
Message for Thursday 2 January 2025 ○ Ideality ○ When personal capacities get out of hand Rank sensitiveness and escapism seem like An epidemic of mumps. Infection can be Avoided or conquered. Are immigrants infective, / Or demonstrations of the creative faith of those Who bring their skills into pioneer areas Of self-expression? They enter in order to Grasp a scepter surrounded by a crown--distinction / Plus offices of power and influence. Humble origins plus integrity grant authority. Even more potent is the magic of a fire Worshiper who, no arsonist, keeps burning / Every resource of the world to warm the Miraculous ideality exalting all. Thursday ○ Ideality ○ Cosmic Piper Moon in Aquarius; it goes void-of-course at 8:14p PT / 11:14p ET