Friday, April 28, 2023

Message for Week of Saturday April 29 through Friday May 5

Message for Week of Saturday April 29 through Friday May 5

\Chessboard in the Air/

"The chessboard is thrown up and all the pieces are in the air!" said Shannon Joy on her podcast yesterday. "Everything is in flux." She was talking about politics but that applies equally to other things, such as whatever is going on in your life. It is, (duh), Mercury Retrograde! You've read what I've said about that in the past week but there is always more to say . . .

(It began April 21 and lasts through May 14, though the encompassing Dark Hermetic Epoch is very much the same, from April 6 through May 31.)

The "chessboard in the air" syndrome can be exhilarating as well as upsetting. It's like a scene from Alice in Wonderland or the Wizard of Oz. "A different world" is the way it feels. The riddle is something like this: Enjoy that "other world" and its fascination and revelations, but at the same time keep your feet steady on the ordinary schedules which are the bedrock of your outer life. Don't go too far into the "boring ordinary" when that feels oppressive, yet don't go too far into the "light fantastic" when that would be irresponsible.

In the weekly chart both Mars and Jupiter are at point focus in T squares, and both are also square to each other. This is not good for finding peace, but finding peace in Ukraine is what the world needs to do. "A prima donna singing" is Xi of China who sings that he wants to negotiate a peace deal, and this could be good for all of us, yet is it any more than singing? How endeth the opera? In "an earthquake"? There could be a reversal of viewpoint, by Zelensky and by the military brass in the Biden Administration. Two dogs are running after a bone, but this ought not to be the bones of Ukrainian and Russian young men conscripted away from their families, to go into a meat-grinding abattoir, a tragedy which we could end if we had the will to do so. "Winter frost in the woods" is supposedly thawing but there is mud on the ground in Ukraine and the "spring offensive" is stalled yet the killing continues. Our American tax dollars are prolonging this.

"Lost opportunity regained in the imagination" could be opportunities for peace, so far neglected or spurned, and it could also be, for individual presidential candidates in the USA, their attempts to regain control of their campaigns and of the voters. RFK Jr. is reformulating the Kennedy heritage in a striking and significant manner, for example. DJT is regaining, in imagination, the lost opportunity of November 2020. And so on.

As mentioned in the Friday report, Venus sextile Jupiter is a favorable aspect lasting through this week (and longer) and could be represented by "a woman sprinkling flowers." Literally true for gardeners, it is also tender care for humans, plus "the soul's constant and tangible manifestation of its creative powers." We are "eager to pour ourselves into every potentiality of living."

"A large star in the western sky, more brilliant than the moon" denotes "a great genius." That could be you or I or . . . Whom do you believe in as "a great genius" who could save the world?

{Week of April 29 - May 5} /Chessboard in the Air\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 29: Moon in Leo-->Virgo
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:54a PT | 6:54a ET | 10:54a UT
until it enters Virgo at 12:00p ET | 3:00p ET | 7:00p UT

Sunday 30
Moon in Virgo
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Monday mid-morning

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