Sunday, April 16, 2023

Message for Monday 17 April 2023

Message for Monday 17 April 2023

~Quizzical Materialization~

I just tweeted to Elon Musk on Twitter: "Elon, before hearing about it, I more or less predicted the delay of your launch in my Cosmic Piper forecast:

"Saturday 15: Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Monday
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:17a PT | 11:17a ET | 3:17p UT
until it enters Pisces at 3:58p PT | 6:58p ET | 10:58p UT

Sunday 16: Moon in Pisces
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Monday near sunrise

"The |difficult third|, based on the moon's relation to Saturn, has been hitting the weekends and shall continue to do so until early July. On those days, usually the keyword should be Peace rather than Exuberance".

I don't know if Elon actually read this. Naturally I have not heard from him, nor from anyone about these weekly forecasts of the |karmic third| of each week, but they are ALWAYS accurate and meaningful. Elon's SpaceX launch is scheduled for today, Monday.


A strange person, unpopular, cannot think on abstract truths
And is ignored by the public. The direction of his thinking is always
Subject to twisted quirky modifications.
Someone rash and warlike does not realize how much havoc

He may effect, even to setting his own house on fire
At night-time. Turmoil and dispute bring desolation upon
Others and himself. It might be better to live a peaceful
Life akin to a dairyman whose farmyard is filled with cows.

Milk, cheese, butter are gifts of nature.
A Chinese woman manages such a farm while also
Nursing a baby. Somehow she knows that his destiny
Will be far-flung and embody universal values.

What begins in questioning, continues in turmoil, and settles in
Comfort is gently materializing Godlike resources.

{Monday} ~Quizzical Materialization~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces-->Aries
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 3:33a PT | 6:33a ET | 10:33a UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:58a PT | 2:58p ET | 6:58p UT
until it enters Aries at 6:10p PT | 9:10p ET | 1:10a(Tu) UT

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