Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Forecast: Late Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 30-September 1

Sun in Virgo and Moon in Pisces, 2012

Beginning Thursday 30 August at 3:32p PT | 6:32p ET | 10:32p UT
through Friday 31
/moon goes void-of-course Saturday 1 September
/at 1:03p PT | 4:03p ET | 8:03p UT
until Luna enters Aries late Saturday-early Sunday
at 10:38p(Sa) PT | 1:38a(Su) ET | 5:38a(Su) UT

~Steering Wisely Past Rocks and Reefs~

I'm avoiding politics at this point, but will mention this interesting fact: The moon enters the sign Pisces, Romney's sun-sign, Thursday a few hours before he will make his acceptance speech and get a huge national audience. This does not have any predictive value as to how well he will do afterwards. It is merely an observable fact that very often people get more attention when the moon is in their sun-sign, moon-sign or ascendant. It is something to notice, not something to profit from so far as I can see. For example, in a regular meeting group where problems of the members are discussed (such as AA, a Bible study group,  12-step program or just a friendly gathering) you will notice often that if the moon is in Virgo a Virgo member will get the spotlight that evening, and so with the other signs.

The moon is totally full Friday at 6:59a PT | 9:59a ET | 1:59p UT.

Here's something I sense from the planetary setup: One tendency is toward something serious involving difficult negotiation. If you do not negotiate this interpersonal matter, or discuss it, it might just rankle within you. So those dreaded words "We have to talk . . . " might be uttered frequently during this period. Okay, it has to happen sometimes. You know how to be cautious and considerate.

The other major factor is that "all systems are go" in terms of the Bright Hermetic Epoch (till October 18) and a current Full Moon, so there is no need to delay the "we have to talk" session, unless you get a strong intuitive sense that you need to delay some portions of it. It is probably better to get the discussion or negotiation going now. There are good planetary aspects to support it, involving Mercury, which suggest successful communication even about difficult issues. The hard part is the cause of the issues needing discussion, namely, Venus square Saturn. This could be some crime, sin, or mistake of the past which needs to be dealt with in order to clear a path to the future. It could be someone else's fault, yours, or both. It could be perceived rather than real mistakes or faults. This matter is not easy but needs to be faced honestly. Honestly but not with rancor, which is easier said than done.

Another issue is how far you intend to proceed alone, on your own, and how far you need the cooperation of others. In a criminal mind this can be a huge problem. In the mind of a saint it is still a problem but he works it out more smoothly by being relatively egoless, able to work with the more divine trend of things and the strengths and weaknesses of others successfully.

What do you need to do alone to fulfill your legitimate ambitions? You can do it calmly and efficiently. If you are "secretive" about it, that is just that there is no point in wasting time and energy and getting people riled by talking about it. This is not a conspiracy, just common-sense discretion.

And what do you need to do which requires cooperation with those who have devious or questionable motives? Maybe you do not understand their motives. Maybe they are more selfish and deceptive than you realize. Or maybe you are attributing selfishness and deception to someone unfairly. Maybe it is some of both. Welcome to the mutually suspicious human race.

There could be an external (shared) or internal (known to yourself alone) breakthrough about all this late Friday or early Saturday. That is, you might arrive at some temporary conclusion or decision which makes you feel better, in control and also in harmony with the world (or most of it). This has required facing facts. It requires realizing that some lucky people do not know how to deal with the goodness or opportunity their luck provides. It requires seeing that some good fortune is seductive if it is based partly on anything devious. People are sometimes mysteries to themselves and don't realize their cupidity.

One who is eccentric has caused trouble, but not intentionally in most cases. He or she is looking for something in a thousand directions and getting lost in the details, much of the time, yet may be a fine person in terms of motives and intentions.

Everyone has a right to some form of good fortune. You are finding out what that is for yourself. It is always based on skills or abilities of one kind or another, used in conjunction with other people no matter how difficult that may sometimes feel.

Insofar as you are a pioneer, you are self-reliant. That does not deny the last sentence, but means that you want to set the conditions for your participation in life with others, rather than let them set the conditions. This is possible to a large degree at the present time. It could be dangerous if it gave you delusions of grandeur, but not if it satisfies your sense of freedom. Such freedom recognizes the need for honest cooperation when that is desirable, but not when it requires giving up principles.

{Late Thursday, Friday, Saturday} ~Steering Wisely Past Rocks and Reefs~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, August 27, 2012

Forecast: Tuesday, Wednesday, early Thursday, 2012

Sun in Virgo and Moon in Aquarius, 2012

Beginning Tuesday 28 August at 10:40a PT | 1:40p ET | 5:40p UT
through Wednesday 29 August
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday 30
/at 10:49a PT | 1:49p ET | 5:49p UT
until Luna enters Pisces Thursday at 3:32p PT|6:32p ET|10:32p UT

}Private Competence{

We may be feeling we are "too good for this world." Is that a sin? It is perhaps more a practical problem, since it inclines to disinclination to work or "get things done." The esoteric teachings agree that we are "too good for this world," in the sense that we are essentially spiritual beings. Our "fall" into material conditions is considered to be necessary however for our development. During this 2.5-day period, many may feel that they are "too good" within themselves to bother themselves with material concerns, and lie down for a nap. Perhaps they need that, and perhaps they deserve it. Meanwhile, they may be missing material opportunities to "better themselves" in the ordinary sense, that is, in terms of material well-being. An individual balance needs to be maintained. The chart suggests that many will be neglecting very good opportunities to "get things done." Those opportunities are denoted by the sun's sextile with Mars and Pluto plus the sun's trine with Pluto. Perhaps the trine of Mars and Saturn with Neptune will help, for it suggests a basic harmony between the spiritual and material. If we can realize and implement this in specific areas of our lives, we will be able to "get things done" without sacrificing spiritual beatitude. Ordinarily, that is a tall order, but it should be one goal of human life. Refusing to do work which makes one relatively self-sufficient puts more of a burden on others.

Those involved in a relationship have a lot to think about. Now that we have computers, I recommend to astrologers that they set up their programs with a 2-degree orb for septiles, bi-septiles and tri-septiles, and see how those aspects pattern in their charts and speculate as to what they might mean. Right now we have a fascinating septile pattern with Mars, Venus, and Uranus, all of them in one of the aforementioned aspects to the other two. One thing this might mean is "too much individuality for a relationship." In other words, the feeling is "I am too good for this person" or some such feeling. Or maybe "this person is too good for me" or just a sense of varying individuality such that rapport is challenged. Even lovers are turning their backs to one another. This might not be anger, rage, or upset but just a need to be chastely sensitive and delicate. "I don't need to face the issues this person raises for me" is part of the feeling. "Not now, that is." There would be awkwardness face-to-face, so why deal with it? That does not imply a rejection of the other, but a respite.

This goes along with the Venus-square-Saturn problems discussed in the previous report (first paragraph). When this is not utter loneliness and despair of ever being loved, it is more like a reluctance to test the waters, a bashfulness. There could be an internal feeling that the timing is not right.

We are in the Bright Hermetic Epoch until the middle of October and so there is no reason to hold back from practical efforts and intelligent plans. You may realize that some of these are eccentric, or would be regarded as such by many. Confusion in implementing them could result from not choosing priorities, that is, not putting first things first. If you do that you will avoid much vexation from following side paths which lead nowhere. The approaching Full Moon (Friday) tends to clarify thinking.

You do not need to drive yourself as if your own slave, but can give yourself reasonable breaks. And you don't need to try to share every detail of your life with anyone. You are able to rely on what inspires you, whether religious, spiritual, or esthetic, and from feelings of the goodness and security surrounding you move on with what makes sense in your life-program.

{Tuesday, Wednesday, early Thursday} {Private Competence}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Forecast: Sunday, Monday, early Tuesday, August 26-28, 2012

Sun in Virgo and Moon in Capricorn, 2012

Beginning Sunday 26 August at 7:00a PT | 10:00a ET | 2:00p UT
through Monday 27 August
/moon goes void-of-course Tuesday 28
/at 3:34a PT | 6:34a ET | 10:34a UT
until Luna enters Aquarius Tuesday at 10:40a PT|1:40p ET|5:40p UT

\Appreciating High Standards/

The harsh aspects between Venus and Saturn appear to be "the great sadness." They map out "the great loneliness." Venus wants love and the implicit approval it signifies, while Saturn is the eternal critic who pulls back and suggests "You aren't good enough; you haven't earned my love." One comfort is that others are feeling this as well as yourself. So when you feel rejected or judged, you might assume that this could be a hurting reaction from the rejector or judge who has been hurt by someone else (or you) and so hurts you as "revenge" fairly or not. This might sound like what goes on "all the time," but it is more intense during these periods. The current one (Venus square Saturn from Cancer to Libra) covers the period August 24 through September 12. Happy rejecting, happy feeling-rejected.

We are, however, in the beginning of a Bright Hermetic Epoch (until October 18) and therefore many things in the practical sphere can be handled smoothly. You may sense how you can let yourself drift into a happy phase of your life where there are few issues or overbearing responsibilities. Wonderful! However, the "responsible" conscience in all of us doesn't want us to drift too carelessly. You can be grateful for your luck, yet not overdependent on it.

Another possibility is that good fortune and smoothness could lead you to try too many things at once. Versatility is wonderful, but not if it is a thinning out of everything so that you really don't know what you are attempting to accomplish. Lists of priorities might help.

There is force of character. This is essential during this 2-day period because the moon in Capricorn will square Saturn, and so you will need to keep moods up to get done what you know needs doing. You can make your mark and get respect. Destiny is showing you what you need to know, in so many ways, pointing out your fateful career, guiding you through the chaos of half-ideas toward the certainty of the truth-light.

The soul-hunger suggested in paragraph 1 can find satisfaction in surprising ways, especially when you don't look for it. Rather than look for love, be someone who cares about something, and you will gravitate to a locus where happy sentiments enfold you.

Executive powers are available, while the moon is in Capricorn; the ability to disregard what would hamper your disciplined activity and get on with it straightforwardly. Martian aspects are good, so this has a somewhat military feel to it, living up to the call of duty and honor.

Being a do-gooder is sometimes frowned upon, if it is too self-conscious or officious, yet you may run across opportunities to help someone which are memorable and satisfying. Perhaps that someone is trying to rebuild his or her life. The attempt to assist is probably as enjoyable as anything more self-centered would be.

You know how to serve a cause of truth, fairness, high purposes shared by others. You are willing to serve those others because you detect that they are trying (even if often failing) to live up to the high standard which keeps you believing and living.

{Sunday, Monday, early Tuesday} /Appreciating High Standards\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Forecast: Friday and Saturday, August 24-25, 2012

Sun in Virgo and Moon in Sagittarius, 2012

Beginning Friday 24 August at 3:51a PT | 6:51a ET | 10:51a UT
through Saturday 25 August
/moon goes void-of-course Saturday-Sunday
/at 11:40p(Sa)PT | 2:40a(Su)ET | 6:40a(Su)UT
until Luna enters Capricorn Sunday 26
at 7:00a PT | 10:00a ET | 2:00p UT

*Foundations in Domicile and Sentiment*

An emphasis on home and family is evident and strong. There are obstacles but they are in the nature of things, not really problems, just stuff to do gracefully. It feels good to organize at home; it pulls your life together. People think about the meaning of home, and the relationships which flourish there. Your "castle," your domain, enthrones you.

Someone important to you is cool, calm, collected, and surprisingly helpful to those who need assistance in any way (even when they don't ask). His awareness of solutions to problems might astound you when you think about it. Sensing when someone else can give you a clue you hadn't thought of is a talent requiring some humility.

When you notice an unpleasant, furtive expression in someone's face you might consider that this person is mapping some scheme for aggrandizement or greed and fearing that he or she will not succeed. This is probably not criminal, just human, but intense selfishness can distort normal kindness into envy and suspicion.

A melancholy strain could turn up at times, when you are musing upon deep matters. "Where does it all end?" is a question contemplated by Scorpio, and Mars is now in that sign. The more mystical and penetrating your insight, the more blissful your answer to that question. We "decease or desist" every night in our beds, and enter a heavenly world for a while. (Mars in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces.)

There are busier matters to take care of, naturally, and they involve providing for yourself and any who might be dependent on you. Your way of doing this is very much your own, not understood by everyone. You feel responsible for the well-being of some, whether older or younger. There is deep satisfaction in this service even when it is not thanked or perhaps even noticed.

Some part of you is all fussy and busy about tools, instruments, means of gaining satisfaction in your field, expanding your understanding of something scientific or practical. Good aspects among Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn, together with the Bright Hermetic Epoch which began Wednesday, show that you can get answers. Research is favored, whether in simple or complex matters.

There can be something embarrassing about the way you reveal yourself, yet reveal yourself you must. Something is destined to flow out from you in a way which makes an impact and awakens notice. The septile between Mars and Venus is not necessarily sweet but is certainly fateful, as if you sensed and smelled what someone means to you and vice versa. Where does this go? Not easy to guess. You can take the signals for whatever they are worth.

Things could slip into decadence (sun opposite Neptune and Venus tri-octile that planet) through overindulgence, drink, or any "vice," yet this does not have to be devitalizing dissipation. Give us a break, is the feeling, we need some escape! Is there a formula for "too much"? Not that I know of, but you will know in your heart. Pleasures and stimulants release us from the world's always-implicit criticism (from grade school and teachers to retirement and spouses). Our vices give us psychic space to feel "This is my world, no one else can enter here or comment upon me." When shared with someone partially, this summons moments of blending in the commingling liberties of the human spirit.

{Friday and Saturday} *Foundations in Domicile and Sentiment*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Forecast: Wednesday and Thursday, August 22-23, 2012

Sun in Virgo and Moon in Scorpio, 2012

Beginning Wednesday 22 August at 12:55a PT | 3:55a ET | 7:55a UT
through Thursday 23 August
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday at 2:35a PT|5:35a ET|9:35p UT
until Luna enters Sagittarius Friday at 3:51a PT|6:51a ET|10:51a UT

~Outing Avarice, Spite, Usurpation~

At long last the Bright Hermetic Epoch has arrived (until October 18). You may not see a big difference right away but perhaps will sense that you are "back in form," "back in shape," or "on the right track."

On the other hand, it might not be until Friday that this will seem real, for on Wednesday the moon remains in the Via Combusta and on Thursday is void-of-course all day. Both indicators can mean coping with uncertainty, although it should be fading away in the underlying trend toward chipper assurance.

One factor to face, perhaps taking several forms, is the greed and nastiness in people. This can assume so many forms of which we are only partially conscious. Some see it in two of the Presidential candidates and are talking about it (in accord with the current astrological picture: Pluto the plutocrat opposing Venus while both square Uranus, the planet ruling Aquarius in which sign were born Ayn Rand, Ronald Reagan and and Rand's "follower" Paul Ryan). Some think it their right to plunder others, even to take advantage of a friend's downfall for the sake of position, power or gain. When you sense this in someone (or even yourself) you feel revulsion. Cunning avarice is not a pleasant quality. Those who use it criminally are often behind bars (unless they are white-collar criminals) or else if they have figured out how to use such tendencies legally they are eventually despised by those who see through them.

It might feel like fun to accuse someone, shatter her or his complacency, get revenge in a way which seems honest and right because, after all, it is only pointing out that person's crimes or sins. And, of course, this has its dangers, even if one is actually correct in one's accusations. How can one do this fairly and decently? (rather than sadistically) becomes the difficult question.

Greed reaches points of satiety, as does appetite. Overeating appears to be a world-wide problem, and you may be thinking about it. All the deadly sins are in fact deadly.

However, some of the tendencies toward feasting are in fact festive and friendly, so if you share a meal with an individual or group you may be mitigating the "deadliness" of overconsumption. We need a chance to enjoy things together now and then, with conviviality. (Then back to that diet plan . . . )

Mercury's sextile with Jupiter, together with the Bright Epoch, suggest brilliance in the mind, with an ability to acquire knowledge or wisdom, even big piles of it. What is your particular approach to the wisdom of the ages? might be a good question to ask yourself. Doing it successfully will make you prescient even about practical affairs and everyday choices.

In connection with paragraphs 3 and 4, there are further indications that you might be facing (or sleuthing) someone who is taking the easy, lazy way to a position which looks successful, while actually avoiding hard work and coasting on the efforts of others, meanwhile being spiteful toward those who have benefited him or her. We find such individuals at all income levels. I don't like to think about it any more than you, but the current setup suggests many of us are fire-walking such questions, and perhaps we need to do so.

{Wednesday and Thursday} ~ Outing Avarice, Spite, Usurpation~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Forecast: Monday-Tuesday, August 20-21, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Libra, 2012

Beginning Sunday-Monday 19-20 August
at 9:46p(Su) PT | 12:46a(M) ET | 4:46a(M) UT
through Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 August
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 22
/at 12:14a PT | 3:14a ET | 7:14a UT
until Luna enters Scorpio Wednesday at 12:55a PT|3:55a ET|7:55p UT

}Union with Human Potentials{

It is good to consider what you are fitted for, while Mercury is moving ahead and picking up speed--the Bright Hermetic Epoch begins Wednesday (by the technical mathematical rule, and lasting until October 18). Perhaps you are missing your vocation? Or an important aspect of it? Or there are things your mind could do which you are not doing because you drop them or give up too easily? Maybe these interests would fulfill you more than other things on which you spend your time?

We are aware of those in the business world who are wily and clever more than ethical. Sometimes we cannot avoid them, yet often have a choice how far to take up with them. Deception or bad judgment could result in loss. Or if you are favored with gain of a lucky sort, perhaps you can sense ways to share it which will make you happier than if you merely hoarded it.

The social element or atmosphere of the moon's position in Libra pervades everything. You are aware of those whose sagacity or cleverness influences you strongly so that you are inclined to do their bidding. Charm and attraction have their perquisites in the business sphere, not just in the world of performance and entertainment. You might be able to influence anyone, male or female, in a direction you choose.

You are determined not to lose your way or give in to emotions when those emotions might deceive you into loss of time or opportunity for progress. You can be ruthless in staying on a well-chosen course. This might be helpful especially on Tuesday when the moon in the Via Combusta can make us doubt ourselves and our plans more than normally.

No matter what, love is not absent, whether called by that name or not--a union of hearts and minds which feels fated or destined. However this appears in your life, it is something to cherish deeply and rely upon rather than dismiss through lack of faith.

There appears to be a union of the rational with the ideal and idealistic. You want to use your reasoning power, your ability to study or learn, to reach past your limitations. And this you can do.

Moods vary rapidly, but through them all you pursue knowledge. This could be in a special field. It is also in the field of human relations, where you sense the hidden or revealed qualities and feelings of people. You guess correctly how to navigate through that human tangle of intentions, desires, and weaknesses toward what seems best for you at this time.

{Monday and Tuesday} {Union with Human Potentials}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Forecast: Late Friday, Saturday, Sunday, August 17-19

Sun in Leo and Moon in Virgo, 2012

Beginning Friday 17 August at 5:34p PT | 8:34p ET | 12:34a(Sa) UT
through Saturday 18 August
/moon goes void-of-course Saturday
/at 4:27p PT | 7:27p ET | 11:27p UT
until Luna enters Libra Sunday-Monday
at 9:46p(Su) PT | 12:46a(M) UT | 4:46a(M) UT

\Cultivating Response to the Highest/

Advice in general during a Dark Epoch (until Wednesday the 22nd) has to be to adhere to former paths you have mapped out and verified for yourself. It appears that questionable business deals or other propositions might be in the offing and you might have to squelch most of them because they are likely to be if not deceptive then less good than what you already have.

It is wise to keep to high ground, to think high things, rather than descend to a level at which you could be harmed. You will sense what this means if you tune to your conscience and deeper self.

Interesting things may develop concerning wealth and its gaining, and how you use it to expand or improve your living quarters. You are aware of those who would plunder yourself or others to gain illicitly or unethically.

There is much you can do to make you proud of yourself. Valor, dignity, and honor are invulnerable qualities. What you have promised, you realize, you need to fulfill as best you can.

The human race is struggling to materialize powers and capabilities formerly considered miraculous. This is not easy, and at the present time the harsh aspects to Venus suggest that our hearts, feelings, affections and desires are being transformed, and this might seem brutal because it means giving up a desire, for the sake of something else which will ultimately be better but does not seem better. You might note this going on in several areas of your life. All the "why doesn't he/she love me?" songs are playing in our minds because love is being challenged to rise to a more spiritual level, which is often called selfless. Mary Baker Eddy called it "unselfed love."

An argumentative, even destroying tendency is present with Mars conjoined to Saturn, but aspects to this pair from other planets are good, so it seems that you can fight out battles within yourself rather than try to force your will on somebody in a harsh and ill-fated manner. Some around you may be working out "religious problems" in their minds and hearts, and we know how this can lead to violence in the immature who do not really understand religion or spirituality. Whether on the side of the God envisioned by a major religion or on the side of atheism, they could be bitter. You might be also.

Fortunately there are brightening influences which help all to be responsive to the better possibilities we are trying to manifest. When they don't seem present, we can invoke them in a moment of prayer (Mars and Saturn trine Neptune). There are those who are taciturn, melancholy, and so "fed up" with the human race that they become cruel. We read about them in the mass murderer or serial killer stories (which unfortunately have not all been just stories). So it is incumbent upon us to disarm mentally and emotionally disturbed people through our attitudes and prayers. Just trying is enough, usually, especially if one tries early and repeatedly as circumstances suggest your spiritual help is needed. Jesus cast out devils, or evil spirits, or foul destructive moods, immediately with His word. We can do the same, according to His promises, and so it is well to try. The attempt, through faith, can lead to internal peace and contentment.

(Late Friday, Saturday, Sunday} /Cultivating Response to the Highest\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Forecast: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, August 15-17, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Leo, 2012

Beginning Wednesday 15 August at 11:06a PT | 2:06p ET | 6:06p UT
through Thursday August 16
/moon goes void-of-course Friday 17
/at 10:56a PT | 1:56p ET | 5:56p UT
until Luna enters Virgo Friday at 5;34p PT|8:34p ET|12:34a(Sa) UT

*Thrills Questioned, Hope Maintained*

The conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Libra is difficult. Mars in its detriment here can mean overdependence on someone else for what you need or for direction. However, this can turn into annoyance and arrogance. Then the "other needed" is needed almost as an enemy or someone to oppose one, so one can fight against him or her and thereby clarify one's purposes. If this goes wrong it is just futile bickering.  But Saturn exalted here can mean a refined or perfect sense of justice. So it might be possible to calm down and pacify whatever is turbulent in a relationship.

The sun is sextile both planets so if one stays with basic purposes (sun in Leo) one can handle relationships without worry. These basic purposes need a spiritual element, for the sun is opposite Neptune. Without spirituality, there would be self-deception.

The moon in Leo, separating from the square with Saturn, bodes well for pleasure or entertainment of an uplifting sort. This could be thrilling or exciting because of the close T-square among Venus, Pluto and Uranus. At worst this can be sexual indiscretion of monstrous proportions. The Venus-Pluto opposition can indicate sex for money or money for sex in one way or another. Usually this is subconscious rather than overt, reflected in one's tastes of the moment, what one chooses as entertainment. Because Uranus is at point focus, this is likely to be very individual so that you sense the difference of your preferences from those of others, either with pride or shame.

Thursday might be the best day for pleasure, entertainment, or a social get-together. Friday looks less thrilling because first the moon goes void-of-course right after the New Moon and then opposes Neptune from Virgo, suggesting a feeling of responsibility rather than party carefreeness. However, Luna's loose but existent sextile with Venus might save the day late Friday evening. People may want thrills of which they are ashamed, and wrestle conscience, but then settle down into something peaceable and cozy.

You may sense a career possibility (a woman likely involved) which feels risky but might be worth while. Much thought is given to matters you wish to get settled, and the sextile of Mercury with Jupiter, now building up, will help you make temporary choices through the end of the Dark Hermetic Epoch until the Bright begins Wednesday the 22nd. This can be in any area important to you, including study, learning, and sharing with friends or associates.

{Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, August 15-17, 2012} *Thrills Questioned, Hope Maintained*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Forecast for Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday, August 13-15, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Cancer, 2012

Beginning Monday 13 August at 1:29a PT | 4:29a ET | 8:29a UT
through Tuesday 14 August
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 15
at 1:22a PT | 4:22a ET | 8:22a UT
until Luna enters Leo Wednesday at 11:06a PT | 2:06p ET | 6:06p UT

~Hopes Retained Doggedly~

There is nothing seriously wrong with the cosmic set-up, but the moon in Cancer is squaring Mars-Saturn on one side and Uranus on the other (cardinal signs) for the duration of this period. So moods tend toward pessimism or "realism" rather than thrilling anticipation. By taking account of that, both in yourself and others, you can reduce the pain. It's a very good time for finishing old stuff. If that sounds dull, please don't blame me. You'll feel better when you get some of it cleared away. In addition, it's a good time still for that daydreaming and nightdreaming we love while Mercury is retrograde, for we are still in the slow-Mercury (though not backward-Mercury) period until the 22nd.

There is much healing proceeding on a smooth level as if aromatherapy. The scents of summer waft into weary systems to restore and reassure. You can rediscover something strong about your mission or your salutary effect on humanity or special individuals.

Some fruit is ripe for picking, perhaps, at the level of friendship. Friends can re-estimate one another in positive ways, sensing progress in one another, but not until they get past the hard part, that is, the unripe fruit.

Equanimity is strong while the sun in Leo is sextile both Mars and Saturn in Libra, sign of Saturn's exaltation. This means that harmony can prevail even in areas where communication and cooperation are difficult. We can give one another the benefit of the doubt.

You may protect yourself and others from injury by being vigilant. Children or young people might be susceptible to mistakes of adults or one another. This could be carelessness or, at worst, exploitation.

Some individuals in high positions are voracious and self-seeking, and get away with this up to a point. (The funders of political ads come to mind.) "Nice" people can be wolves in sheep's clothing.

Bullying is likely to go on wherever children congregate. As for adults, their bullying of one another tends to be more subtle, more calculating and sometimes more cruel.

Enlightenment is available as you face complex or unknown matters. As Sri Aurobindo has pointed out, the unknown is not the unknowable (contrary to the assumptions of so-called scientists who debunk astrology and occultism). Ordinary good thinking, when accelerated, can approximate the superhuman, encroaching on the realm of the previously unknown.

You can ascend beyond troubles when you are linked with a friend or a guide you appreciate. This can be gentle and sweet, in contrast with the worries by which we are besieged if we go "sublunar" (too subject to the moon's influence). There is balm in flights of fancy and hope, which may be shared with someone special.

Being tactful is a pleasure when it avoids conflict and leaves the future open to amelioration. Information you get about others' faults or failures is helpful when you harbor it rather than trumpet it, using it covertly to influence things in a happier direction.

{Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday} {Hopes Retained Doggedly}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Forecast: Late Friday, Saturday, Sunday, August 10-12, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Gemini, 2012

Beginning Friday 10 August at 1:12p PT | 4:12p ET | 8:12p UT
through Saturday 11
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday 12
at 2:51p PT | 5:51p ET | 9:51p UT
until Luna enters Cancer Monday 13 at 1:29a PT|4:29a ET|8:29a UT

}Fidelity Continuing Past Divergency-Emergency{

The intensity of things at this point could feel crucial. Mercury has turned direct but is very slow, which is why we are still in the Dark Hermetic Epoch until the 22nd. Aspects are mixed, as usual, with promising features. I will try to untangle some.

There is a desire to be in motion mentally or physically or both. This can be pleasurable, mental, or spiritual seeking, or a combination of all three. Where do we go to find what we need? Is there an end to the quest? You may wonder. Yet brilliant insights of your own mixing with amazing discoveries propounded by others you admire make a star-spangled panorama of advanced understanding, spreading as far as you can encompass it.

The practical focus is not missing, and must be shared with others (Mars conjoined with Saturn in Libra). Together you keep rolling the stone up the hill and watching it roll down. That is, it seems your efforts are never completed. Where is the result? When is the completion? The higher purpose of astrology is to help us answer these questions. These forecasts are serious steps in that direction. Other steps might involve studying your personal horoscope together with those of any individuals important to you. As school-children discover the first day, we learn by comparing ourselves with others. Astrology allows us to do this in a detached, non-competitive, tolerant and understanding manner. Then life-purposes are clarified, and the means to them.

Thereby also we eliminate injustice or unfairness in our judgment of people. To understand a man's horoscope is to understand why he makes the mistakes he makes, and what he is aiming at, and perhaps what he could do to attain it with fewer errors. An equipoise of perspective then makes possible Jesus's command, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Understand, that ye may be understood!

The fidelity of our Sol, the center of our system and source of our planet's very vision and vitality, symbolizes the fidelity of our souls to whatever has upheld us from the deep past. There is wonderful support at this time (the sun sextile Jupiter and the moon on one side and Mars and Saturn on the other). By appreciating its magnificence you live it in more tangible ways.

This is important because it can prevent a dispersion of possibilities through reckless action. It is not necessary to plunge into  avoidable dangers and risk tragedy. What is avoidable can obviously be avoided. The key to this might be remembering who you are rather than what you desire. Then you can master any momentary crisis without tumbling over an edge of danger.

You can be fervent about what you know, believe, and can do. There is a time for proclaiming what your heart tells you to proclaim. The dexterity, the words, the melodies and gestures needed will flow from you spontaneously even if you sense there is opposition to what you say or do.

Your intuition and versatility bring you in contact with individuals of distinction who can be good for you and heighten your status. This is not flattery, on either side, but mutual recognition of inherent strengths which then proceed to gather recognition from the world. The merit of one is leavened, expanded, by the merit of the other.

You sense that some others are caught up in self-seeking, voracious for tokens or honors they have not earned honestly, revengeful and secretive. This kind of stuff should have gone out with the time of Machiavelli. We expect it only in soap operas. It would be laughable if it were not so often destructive to someone's reputation or well-being.

A T square of Venus opposing Pluto while both square Uranus is close to exact. Who betrayed whom? Whose patience snapped? Who calculated ruthlessly how to use someone for personal advantage? What from the past is being replayed with the same abysmal lack of basic tolerance or human understanding? Machiavelli cannot help us. Ruses end in ruefulness. Honesty that hurts, which might be a subtle form of dishonest misunderstanding, can be transformed into kindly honesty that issues from fidelity and slowly recreates trust.

{Late Friday, Saturday, Sunday} {Fidelity Continuing Past Divergency-Emergency}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Forecast: Wednesday, Thursday, early Friday

Sun in Leo and Moon in Taurus, 2012

Beginning Wednesday 8 August at 12:29a PT | 3:29a ET | 7:29a UT
through Thursday 9 August
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday at 11:56a PT | 2:56p ET | 6:56p UT
until Luna enters Gemini Friday 10 at 1:12p PT | 4:12p ET | 8:12p UT


It seems to be a time for honesty. "Anything more than the truth would be too much." I used to repeat that to myself when I was trying to understand the reality, or the delusion, behind astrology and occultism. During this time you see into plots, schemes, and others' misconceptions. And you are not patient with your own when you detect them.

It could be a very good gardening time. If you don't do that, you may yet appreciate the beauties of the kingdom of plants, trees and flowers.

You are determined not to fall under the influence of anyone who might end up hurting you. This does not have to be paranoia but can be wise foresight of when and when not to associate with anyone. You protect yourself by concentration, which is a form of magic. When you have made the right choice there can be exhilaration within a group or a loose company of strangers.

You can go where you need to go without trouble. You feel you have a reputation or image to maintain and enjoy doing so. You will merely dismiss any who have been unkind or rude.

If honors you expected have been snatched from you, for reasons you cannot understand, you can still remain content with what you have. You see selfishness in others, not so easily in yourself, but we all seem to have our particular brand of it. You know how to find comfort for yourself at least.

{Wednesday, Thursday, early Friday} /Comfort\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Please remember to re-read the previous forecast, for the time period in which you are reading this, if this future forecast does not "connect" with you. Often the meaning of a forecast does not become clear until the final hours of the period for which it is intended. I thought I had failed with the previous forecast until I re-read it near the end of the period and saw its deep relevance.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Forecast: Late Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, August 5-7, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Aries, 2012

Beginning Sunday 5 August at 2:01p PT | 5:01p ET | 9:01p UT
through Monday 6 August
/moon goes void-of-course Tuesday 7
at 1:05p PT | 4:05p ET | 8:05p UT
until Luna enters Taurus Wednesday 8
at 12:29a PT | 3:29a ET | 7:29a UT

*Carrying on with Grace and Squalor*

You may feel like applying emergency brakes to some of your activities or involvements. They are probably not dangerous but could be overheated (moon in Aries with Uranus while opposing Mars and Saturn) and also dubious (Mercury still retrograde). So you need to calm down and step back. Still, Luna is in good aspect with Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the sun at various points through this period, so you are on the right track most likely. Delays and dragging slowness are hard to encompass while Mercury backs up. Impatience grows. But if you act carefully and deliberately, strong progress is possible especially late Sunday and Monday.

"The tyranny of time" is an interesting subject. How many mystical or new-agey books have you read which advocated "the timeless life" or "living in the now"? I suspect that some of the authors of those books had Mercury retrograde in their birth-charts. This is not a disability (Sai Baba had it) but a tendency to live in more than one time at once, at worst to be stuck in the past, at best to bridge past and future adroitly. So all of us can be doing this to some degree now, and even beyond Wednesday when Mercury haltingly (very slowly) turns direct.

In a way, this period can be "back to the drawing board" in a positive sense, to get those plans, researches, or programs straightened out as best you can with the best knowledge, information, and intuition you can summon. That could include further thought and study. But you needn't be disappointed if you still feel there is much undone or if your conclusions are still tentative. A breakthrough might be possible, but cannot be demanded.

The noble, brilliant character whose labors for others are brilliantly successful, yet often misunderstood (such as the lion Aslan in the C. S. Lewis stories) can be a Leonine figure and you may be thinking of some such person (the notable and amazing Leo figures in history secular and spiritual are too many for me to list). It is probably impossible ever to thank these individuals sufficiently for what they have given.

Other individuals you note around you, who are basically helpful to you, are conventional in appearance, neat and orderly, effective in their work.

Others of whom you become aware may be in trouble with the law, either persecuted or victims of a frame-up by law officers (there are far too many of those, as anyone acquainted with The Innocence Project becomes aware) or otherwise blamed for what they have not done. If you are one of these, there can be spiritual solace from above at least, and perhaps help from friends, or an administrator who is on the right side.

The pageant-like glory of the Olympics, or anything similar closer to home, can be uplifting. It demonstrates what human beings can do at their most ambitious. Accompanying this is the considerable charm of those who display their bodies, talents, persons and bold attempts.

At a deeper or yet more mature level is the heritage of a spiritual tradition on which you can lean when all else seems frail.

Those who are famous, powerful, or just superior whether recognized or not, are very much on your side if you sidle up to them with honest hope and aspiration. This is especially important whenever misfortunes seem to have spoiled your prospects. The one who has achieved is your inspiration through periods of doubt.

Who is pursuing you? This is the very last period in which Mars and Venus remain in a trine aspect (by ten degrees). I have not over-emphasized this because this aspect did not consummate itself but it has been a nice atmosphere for erotic or affectionate interplay whether outward or more subjective. During this period you might consider what it has meant to be a pursuer or pursued. Which are you, or both? Is this budding love, or lust, or friendly experiment? How has it worked out over the past month?

Coming up is the Mars square Venus period, ouch! which can be harsh, or exciting, or sado-masochistic, or thrilling and then disgusting. This will be in September, not August. I gladly postpone discussion of it. Meanwhile, in this period, it is well to prevent one's heart from misleading one into the clutches of anyone wittingly or unwittingly deceptive, while never squelching that heart's childlike quest for love. (I do not have a formula for this.)

{Late Sunday, Monday, Tuesday} *Carrying on with Grace and Squalor*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday, Saturday, early Sunday, August 3-5, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Pisces, 2012

Beginning Friday 3 August at 6:59a PT | 9:59a ET | 1:59p UT
through Saturday 4 August
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday 5
at 10:57a PT | 1:57p ET | 5:57p UT
until Luna enters Aries Sunday at 2:00p PT|5:00p ET|9:00p UT

~A Quest Partly Fulfilled~

Mercury will turn direct next Wednesday, August 8, although (as regular readers will know) that is not the end of the Dark Hermetic Epoch (of which the MR cycle is always the center) which lasts until August 22. At this point, since we have some quite supportive aspects such as the sun in good aspect with Jupiter and Mars, while Venus trines Saturn and Neptune, I recommend thinking about "coming out of the woods" gradually. If you have ideas for activities, projects, changes, cherish them, entertain them, and see where they lead over the next two to three weeks. They could be solid at this point, but whatever is not solid in them can be winnowed out by the 22nd at latest. You probably have a feeling something like this. "I'm almost ready to try such-and-such, but not quite." The wavering you experience, plus the improvements you make in plans, will help you to be sure.

Any partnership or friendship involving studies, learning, shared interests, teaching or writing can go well over this weekend period. There is an emphasis on career along with fascinating interests in attractive channels.

The part of you which labors hard and long at tasks is accented even though it's a weekend. You'll feel better about everything if you keep on with sheer drudgery which yet is bound to have a good effect eventually. Mars conjoining Saturn aids with this.

There is much questioning, but it has definite and good results. Even those you run into who are quibblers, always skeptical about everything, may help you to find your way, because rather than feeling stultified by them you take their challenge as a stimulus toward getting answers. This is enjoyable. Skepticism is bound to wither away in front of the truth.

In a gorgeous setting filled with natural beauty, you contemplate the past of yourself and maybe the human race. So you are also contemplating the future, necessarily. The past revamped. Your judgment is good.

Retrospection is useful. (When will I ever get down to writing about my past, for my own benefit? I think it would be very helpful.) This can be either for practical purposes, such as a high school coach reviewing Friday's game on Saturday, or for deeper soul-purposes, linking again in memory and telepathy with associates and raptures from years ago to revive their essence.

Those who practice deception in the business world (or even worse those who use strong-arm tactics like criminal gangs) cannot harm you if you mind your own business and hold to an honorable course. This you are likely to do because you have seen that such constancy is always preferable to divergence from the true path. Therefore you feel pleased with your prospects, not worried because not trying to grab more than makes sense. This is part of the Mercury-retrograde "intelligent waiting" path.

Excessive desire is possible along some lines, making you wander in search of you know not what. We all need such periods of quest occasionally. This one is likely to lead you gradually back home, or to a place which feels like an ancestral or community caravansary, where you appreciate the fruitfulness of nature and your fellow human beings.

{Friday, Saturday, early Sunday} ~A Quest Partly Fulfilled~

Cosmic Piper