Friday, April 14, 2023

Message for Week of Saturday 15 April through Friday 21 April

Message for Week of Saturday 15 April through Friday 21 April

Last week I wrote a story for the coming week, now ending, based on symbols in the weekly chart. How did it play out for you? It made sense to me, so let's do the same this week. I continue to use mostly male pronouns for convenience but may use female ones when the sun enters Taurus, Venus's sign.

A man lies upon a sheaf of corn, asleep, with viands at his side. His dreams and visions seem real but his lassitude amounts to neglect of his opportunities. (Would laditude give him more latitude, or just be attitude?) At times he rouses himself to be, in appearance, a horseman armed for battle, watching the waning moon. Independent and domineering, he is forsaken by friends and colleagues and has woman trouble. "The dog and his bone are best left alone." The thinning moon is at least comforting.

Two bulls are fighting, while some humans are petulant and warlike, so there is danger, and the making of enemies. Why all the strife? Toxic masculinity? A pugilist, however, has trained and converted his machismo into an art form,. He enters the ring without personal sensitiveness but with concentrated exertion.

Another individual, desiring peace and quiet, has become the owner of a green field surrounded by shrubberies, with a lovely villa on the north-east side. What he has is adequate for his needs, and he is content. In leisure he tends a garden where a monstrous gourd-plant rises up spontaneously from beneath the soil. Mighty energies and rapid growth seem magical, as do all things the lucky one engages in, though he is advised to temper exuberance with cool, deliberate reflection.

At a church bazaar, community allegiances develop. Games of chance and tasty treats conspire to revivify human contacts, and all benefit one another through entertaining philanthropy. An old man in a booth does card readings combined with Bible verses. He wonders if his messages are permeating the minds of his "clients," yet is pertinacious in attempting to reveal the Mysteries.

The sky presents a new moon, crescent, yet implicit within it is a gibbous moon, fat and luxurious, with a Hermetic caduceus intervening. Through a changeful temperament, and travel, comes the pursuit of knowledge and an impressive memory. Actually we are having a New Moon in Spring, but it presages a harvest moon later in the year. Life's culminations, as in autumn, are thresholds of new achievement, as if heralding spring. "Nature in her immeasurable prodigality is forever showering man with the products of her untiring creativeness." (Marc Edmund Jones) The keyword is Benediction.

{Week of April 15-21, 2023}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 15: Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Monday
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:17a PT | 11:17a ET | 3:17p UT
until it enters Pisces at 3:58p PT | 6:58p ET | 10:58p UT

Sunday 16: Moon in Pisces
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Monday near sunrise

The |difficult third|, based on the moon's relation to Saturn, has been hitting the weekends and shall continue to do so until early July. On those days, usually the keyword should be Peace rather than Exuberance.

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