Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Message for Wednesday 25 September 2024 ~Donald J. Trump: Introductory~

Message for Wednesday 25 September 2024

~Donald J. Trump: Introductory~

The time has come, it seems, to talk about Donald Trump.

Hard! Because he is a hot-button topic and it is assumed that the writer is either totally for him or totally agin' him. 

I am neither.

I was for Kennedy the moment he announced, April 19, 2023. Now Kennedy by force of circumstances has joined the Trump camp, and so I have to be for Trump. 

Of course I see his flaws. But as an astrologer I am supposed to be dispassionate about all that.

Shall I also write about Kamala Harris? Maybe, but that would be harder because (a) I am very suspicious of her, especially on war and abortion, and (b) I have been familiar with Trump's chart since he ran in 2016 and have had a long time to ponder its peculiarities.

A few preliminaries: 1. I do not predict election winners. It's tempting, of course, to speculate and I allow myself to do that. I may say things like "If Trump controls this tendency, he would have a better shot at winning" or "If Harris could emphasize this quality in her personality it would help" and so on. 2. I do not believe there are "good" or "bad" horoscopes; everything depends on the way the native (of the horoscope) uses the astrological setup he was given at birth. 

And so what good is astrology in politics? It shows the personality and character traits of the candidates. It does not absolutely show which of two candidates would do a better job in the given office, but shows a lot about the way they operate, and what might be their particular strengths and weaknesses. It's astute, brilliant psychology.

DJT has a bowl-shaped birth-chart, that is, the ten basic astrological planets (including sun and moon) are all on one side of the sky. Says Marc Edmund Jones: "Reality is contained rather than sought, and with no fundamental problem of receiving there is no necessary limitation in giving." Aha! Trump enthusiasts love to point out that he has nothing to gain from the Presidency but actually loses, or "gives," by accepting the office. "The native of this pattern finds his fullness more in the demonstration of what already has proved itself than in the establishment of something that is different and so is likely to be less an actuality than a promise." This is Trump's basic conservatism. "Make America great AGAIN," don't make it into something new and unreal like the "loony woke leftists." The bowl type is "essentially honest" according to Dr. Jones. Trump critics may disagree, but more about that later.

The "rim opposition" in the Trump bowl is in common signs, establishing his "natural disposition" as common (sometimes called mutable). This is a fundamental interest in people rather than primarily events or ideas, and is evident in Trump's amazing rallies where his stalwart supporters feel almost that he has organized everything for them alone. It's amazing to feel the good will and common humanity of Trump walking into a  McDonald's to buy everybody a sandwich. 

Much more to come . . .

{Wednesday} ~Donald J. Trump: Introductory~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Cancer

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