Sunday, September 22, 2024

Message for Monday 23 September 2024 }Power and Intuition Materialized{

Message for Monday 23 September 2024

}Power and Intuition Materialized{

A man is climbing a steep hill in the dark,

Allured by a light on the summit, but at the

Top sees only a meteor. "Try the spirits"

To avoid being misled. A nomadic warrio


Equipped with javelin and firearms is heavy on 

Defense, but likely to cause offense through strife and 

Quarrel. Without the secret of peace, he makes

Enemies. He needs to heed a baby with a message


Who has been nursed by a Chinese woman. Universal

Values are required if life is to gain significance

Within a world of peace. Godlike powers could be

Materialized. A woman playing on a violin


Has refined tastes, exquisite accomplishments and

A generous disposition. Higher intuition abounds.


{Monday} {Power and Intuition Materialized}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us (peaking about 5a PT | 8a ET) (until Tuesday morning)

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