Sunday, September 29, 2024

Message for Monday 30 September 2024 \Art of Masquerade/

Message for Monday 30 September 2024

\Art of Masquerade/

A group of people have overeaten and enjoyed it.

Overindulgence in one direction compensates

For inadequacies in another. There is satiety.

Yet energy surges. One feels impetuous and


Quarrelsome. Self-command is better than 

Irascibility. Then one is a gladiatoready for

The fray. Or one dons a mask as in a play,

Simulating qualities not one's own, sarcastically


Playful, difficult to understand; noncommittal.

The artistry of masquerade is a more active version

Of paintings hanging in a gallery. They move not yet

Seem to lean on one another in the accord of a


Shared heritage. Some have this gift: Bringing 

People and events together: expanding sheer value.

{Monday} /Art of Masquerade\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Virgo

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us, at its peak about 7:30a PT | 10:30a ET, and continuing until Tuesday evening

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