Friday, December 17, 2021

Message for Weekend of December 18-19, and current Christmas Fortnight

 Weekend of December 18-19, and current Christmas Fortnight

"I will set my ear to catch the moral of the story
and tell on the harp how I read the riddle."  -- Psalm 49
A harp of ten strings is our Solar System with its planets. I try to read the riddle.

Christmas Fortnight of December 10 through 26

1 We considered some highlights of this period last week, which you might want to review, and now I shall re-embroider that with a fresh viewpoint.  We remain in a Bright Hermetic Epoch, but not much longer, until December 29 a few days after this fortnight ends.  It could be good to wrap up any research you are doing or any planning of strategies, agendas, or schedules.  Now is the time to figure things out (for early 2022) rather than after the 28th.

2  That does not mean everything is easy now.  "A cross and a broken key" (one of the symbols for the fortnight) sounds like some technological problems I am having, such as the impossibility of using a new WiFi system with my printer.  The struggle goes on and on and indeed the "key" seems to be broken (as well as the so-called customer service).  However, Mercury is trine Uranus, good for technical matters, and I have had good luck with some of them as well as bad.  The good depended on sticking through everything and trying again and again.  

3  That "try again and again" is Saturn square Uranus, exact for the whole fortnight.  Here are some symptoms of an afflicted Saturn according to the Heindels in The Message of the Stars:  Malicious, materialistic, melancholy, pessimistic, avaricious, obstructive, secretive, and worrisome.  The afflicted Uranus:  Licentious, unconventional, fanatical, and irresponsible. I notice these symptoms more in others than myself, and probably you do too.   Saturn is the old and Uranus the new, and they are in conflict.  Sometimes the old is better while the new stupidly, overagerly wants change;  sometimes the new is better while the old stupidly, obstructively wants regression; and sometimes a painful evolution needs to be carried out, with elements of both wrestling until a fresh approach emerges.  

4   For the holiday season we have "window-shoppers" which neatly depicts shopping online through onscreen "windows."  Or maybe through old-fashioned shop windows.  There is uncertainty over whether someone will appreciate a novel gift (Uanus bi-septile Venus).  What we visualize we do not necessarily "buy" or acquire.  (I myself am not big on gift-giving, preferring the more symbolic, festive kinds of sharing.) 

5  Venus united with Pluto are both in sextiles with Mars on one side and Neptune on the other. This can be observation of, or experience of, how people mingle their sex lives with their monetary lives, or how people exploit one another in a smooth rather than harsh manner so that the exploitation doesn't hurt but is a kind of give-and-take of personal favors and affections. (I saw a movie last night which perfectly exemplified that theme.)  I suppose that Christmas-giving and Christmas-getting could be considered a form of mutual exploitation, if one chose to be cynical (Scrooge!).  

6  Mercury trine Uranus could call forth what is 'quick-witted, versatile, eloquent, literary, adroit and dexterous' along with what is 'advanced, romantic original, independent, liberty-loving and inventive' (the Heindels' keywords for favorable aspects to these two).  

7  "A water sprite" and "a mountain pilgrimage" are antithetical: restlessness versus perseverance.  The "water sprite" could become an alcohol sprite through holiday drinking, but the "pilgrimage" as the deeper meaning of the season will get the upper hand.  We want to persevere with idealistic projects, and also with prayer and meditation permeated by the season's manger-spell.

8  Whenever there seems to be trouble, crisis, or excitement, there can be a calming influence as if one were crossing  'an old bridge over a beautiful stream.'  There is conservation of whatever is precious.  'A tortoise' is so patient that he always attains the position he has set out to gain.  'A man of middle age watching over a cradle' may repine over a younger or less mature person's problems, bound by ties of kinship or love.  Without complaining he suffers in silence, not deserting those he cares about.  Could either be you?  

9  'An angel carrying a harp' attunes us to over-all harmony, whether listening to Christmas carols or not, making our mental endeavors inspiring because they are continually linked with their spiritual source.  

10  'A tortoise' is so patient that he always attains the position he has set out to gain.  Plenty of time, relax, and then four feet ahead.  'A butterfly emerging from its chrysalis' represents 'self-renewing purity, the emanation of wonders from the formless matrix of the inner being.'  Somewhere there is 'an old owl up in a tree' indicating very cool, reserved, unruffled normality.  One can observe the conflicts in human affairs with wisdom, self-restraint, and steadiness.  'What is that to me, or you, or whoom?'  Is that old owl hiding in some Christmas tree?

{Weekend of December 18-19, and Fortnight of December 10-26}

Daily Data:
Saturday 18 December
Moon in Gemini
Full Moon of Sagittarius-Gemini occurs at 8:37p PT | 11:37p ET | 4:37a(Su) UT (with eclipse in some places)
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:03p PT 

Sunday 19 December
Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at [Saturday 10:03p PT] | 1:03a ET | 6:03a UT
until it enters Cancer at 1:43a PT | 4:43a ET | 9:43a UT

Cosmic Piper

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