Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Message for Wednesday 15 December 2021

 Wednesday 15 December 2021

\Above the Dark Clouds/

Moon in Taurus
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until before daybreak Thursday morning at 3:11a PT | 6:11a ET | 11:11a UT

Saturn square Uranus, tightening by the day, makes us impatient, or rather correlates by cosmic harmony with things which make us impatient.  I would not blame anyone for that because I am going through some very trying things which require more patience than I ordinarily summon.  "A man with a drawn sword" is not willing to wait, and some may be pursuing litigation or other means of forcing an issue. Yet we could calm ourselves in various ways, such as viewing the countryside or nostalgic photos of Christmas, or through "three cups of wine on a table in the form of a triangle."  This could be spiritual or mental intoxication. Who are two others with whom you would like to share your drink?

"A chubby boy on a hobbyhorse" may be going nowhere but in his mind is emulating someone impressive like a fabled cowboy.  "The ocean covered with whitecaps" is the irrepressibility of personal energies.  When more serious we may be undertaking "a mountain pilgrimage," persevering with indomitable integrity to attain an ideal we have envisioned. The climb is easy when deeply inspired.

"Two men running a race" remind us of the winter olympics coming up in February, but the "two men'' could more importantly be the Communist Chinese Criminal Party versus Western support for human rights, and some enlightened nations shall not be participating.   "A stupendous waterfall" suggests a desire to escape into the marvelous.  Let's hope that by the end of the day we can be like "a man in a balloon with the dark clouds beneath him," having survived trials by experimenting with life wisely.  "Success will ultimately crown his labors."  

{Wednesday}  /Above the Dark Clouds\

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  I try to keep politics out of these reports, but things are dire now when it comes to individual rights, what with some state and federal governments threatening individual bodily freedom with vaccination mandates.  I urge all to contact their Senators to vote against HR 550, a bill which would give enormous powers to the CDC to track personal medical history and ultimately control peoples' individual medical procedures.  This is extremely dangerous.  You could also visit this site and sign a petition:  https://stopvaxpassports.org/  But it would be better to also write or call your Senators individually.  

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