Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Message for Thursday 16 December 2021

 Thursday 16 December 2021

}The Noble Game{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:10a PT | 11:10a ET | 4:10p UT
until it enters Gemini at 12:44p PT | 3:44p ET | 8:44p UT

Things remain intense with the square between Saturn and Uranus closing like a vise, but this means challenges you probably know about already and are working on.  It seems like a race sometimes.  You are trying to fill a giant's shoes, expecting a lot of yourself as if you were a prodigy.  The sun's sextile with Jupiter aids in this.  You might 'sit at a desk with drawing instruments and paper' or the high-tech equivalent of that, handling details of computerization, printing or smartphone tech in creative ways.  

The opposition you meet might be handled more smoothly if you look at it as 'two men playing chess,' so that you are refining skills, mobilizing potentials and abilities, to meet challenges as if in a game.  Losing just means playing again.  You might, in a more serious mode, be 'a flag-bearer,' upholding noble ideals when they seem to be 'flagging' around you.  It seems to me that we need to protect our freedoms. One might see doing that as a game with high stakes. 

Some symbols hint at country scenes,  in memory if not reality.  Other indications are of an imitative, manneristic, playful person who is actually kind and sympathetic.   The 'mask' he or she wears is designed for revelatory drama.  At the peak of things we have, again, 'The Goddess of Mercy enthroned.'  Someone humane, with inherent virtue, undertakes hard things for the sake of others.  His or her sympathy extends on all sides in a limitless circle of blessing.  

{Thursday}  {The Noble Game}

Cosmic Piper

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