Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Message for Thursday 10 October 2024 \Storms and DJT's Hospitality/

Message for Thursday 10 October 2024

\Storms and DJT's Hospitality/

Th weather chaos has been extraordinary while Mars has been in the sign of its fall, Cancer, a water sign, from September 4 through November 3, a full two months. Milton is scheduled to land in Florida a few hours from now as I write. Mars is in the sign of its detriment and the sign of the home. Disruption to homes has been rampant, especially while Mars is also squire the sun and Mercury in Libra, an air sign (hurricanes, tornadoes), September 10 - November 7. Those who are out of the path of the storms may have other household issues to deal with.

I interrupted the report on Donald Trump's chart last week. Here is a little more:

In Mar a Lago he is protected from the storm. He is in the hospitality industry, Trump Towersand here is one symbol from his chart, the Borelli-Sepharial symbol for his Jupiter position: "A well-lighted house with open door." "He will grow to be much beloved for his open-handedness and sincerity of feeling. He will be both prosperous and happy, and rejoice in the company of his fiends. It is a degree of Hospitality." Even critics of astrology must admit that this applies to Trump. It is a joy to see him buying hamburgers for dozens of folk, and many individuals have testified to his personal generosity 

I am not predicting thelection, but want to clear up many misunderstandings of the man promulgated by impatient critics who do not have the advantage of knowing about his horoscope

{Thursday} /Storms and DJT's Hospitality\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn

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