Sunday, October 6, 2024

Message for Monday 7 October 2024 ^Firmness^

Message for Monday 7 October 2024


I just spent several hours working with some traditional astrological techniques for predictions in individual lives, such as lunareturns and soli-lunar returns, and my conclusion is that these two methods simply do not work effectively to predict the winners of presidential elections. I compared Trump's charts with Hillary's in 2016, and Trump's with Biden's in 2020. Obscure! I tried other experimental techniques which also gave no sharp answers.

The time I would have used on a sonnet was employed in this vain endeavor. 

Here is the sonnet for the whole of this week, repeated from the weekend report: 

Message for Week of October 5-12, 2024


Like a man desponding, standing on a barren plain

With leaden colored clouds overhead, he is gloomy.

The sun is rising in its brightness, yet night lingers

In dark clouds. A sensitive soul seems born out of time


And place. A big man's black, exposed limbs

Are creeping upwards. Let him study his chart and

Proceed to a large building with granite walls. Firm

In his deeds, he will live to a ripe old age. 


His artistic gift allows him to paint in words rather than

Colors, delineating character in gossipy style.

A man in the midst of a lot of children at play 

Has simplicity of manner and is fond of youth. 


A field of corn is ripe and ready for the sickle 

Under a cloudless sky. Prosperity and health!


Week of October 5-12


Cosmic Piper

Monday: Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us, at its peak Monday night, ending early Wednesday

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