Thursday, October 10, 2024

Message for Friday 11 October 2024 }The Interesting DJT{

Message for Friday 11 October 2024

}The Interesting DJT{

Continuing with a fesymbols from Donald Trump's birth-chart (the Borelli-Sepharial symbols): 

Moon, Sagittarius 21-22: Two arrows crossed: An aggressive spirit, a mind given over to contention and strife, a soul set against the current of public feeling and opinion. Such an one will be continually engaged in the pursuit of his own eccentricities. There is danger of litigation and a volant end. [Two assassination attempts so far.]

Venus, Cancer 25-26: A meteor or falling star. His position in life will be always subject to reversals and changes and his success will not be lasting. If he should attain to eminence he will be in danger of a fall. It is a degree of Uncertainty

These two symbols have played out already with the endless litigation to which DJT has been subject. The last two symbols for today are from a formula I devised over the years to choose the two most prominent symbols in any individual's chart:

Moon's south node (south because the moon is gibbous), 20-21 Sagittarius: Two triangles interlaced, with a third superposed. The index of a mind of more than average ability. The conquest of things mental and spiritual will be a chief object. A balance of physical and mental forces, holding the power to utilize them to considerable extent. It gives aptitude for the study of the social sciences, and confers ability for self-government and rulership.

Saturn, Cancer 23-24: A strong castle on a high rock, and upon the battlements of the castle a flag with a crown upon it is extended in the wind. A strong, masterly character of great endurance, ability and daring; ambitious of honor and capable of withstanding his enemies while achieving greatness and fame for himself. It is a degree of Mastery

No prediction about the election! 

{Friday} {The Interesting DJT}

Moon in Capricorn goes void-of-course at 8:54a PT | 11:54a eT until it enters Aquarius at 9:32a PT | 11:32a e

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