Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Message for Wednesday 17 April 2024

^Renaissance of Talent and Beauty^

I dither in my thinking as to whether a sonnet based on the day's degree-symbols, or a straight-up commentary on planetary aspects and positions, is more helpful to you, the reader. (Comments would be appreciated.) Sometimes it seems more natural to do the one, sometimes the other. 

remind you, no matter how boring it seem, that Mercury remains retrograde until the 25th (and since it doesn't turn on a dime, the Dark Epoch extends even to May 12). Little things seem to go awry. From my life today: Some good exchanges of insight on the internet (for me that's X, my favorite source of connections) but also odd stuff, like being told when I wanted to make a small donation to a political cause that my card had no funds. I knew it wasn't true but checked my account, which took more pointless time, and found that it was full up, so I may have entered a wrong account number. I saved myself some money by saying "This was just not to be." Saved money, lost time. Then I was issued a letter from the Attorney General of Washington State saying that I had failed to cash a check issued to me in December because of a class action suit I knew nothing about. I called the office and was told kindly that a new check for 50 dollars would be issued to me. Well every bit helps. This shows how even good things have a "retrograde" feel to them, which is why astrologers have called this the "old business" time

I stayed away from a spiritual or semi-spiritual group for three weeks but returned to it yesterday. It was okay but brought up old issues and old practices from earlier decades of my life, such as reading Tarot cards. I don't do that any more, or very rarely. These daily reports and other astrological methods provide my oracle. But it was harmless and maybe helpful to be re-acquainted with some Tarot card methods. This is a Mer*re thing, new dimensions which seem old dimensions re*turning. 

I could go on about such incidents. You may go back in dreams to people who were major for you earlier in your life. Where are they now? Maybe you don't know, and maybe they are in the next world. There is re*membering and there can be re*birth ore*naissance. Meanwhile some ordinary stuff, such as laundry or shopping or cleaning, may seem sidetracked. 

Some of today's symbols are harsh, such as two men engaged in a fight, that is, pugnaciousness. Donald Trump comes to mind. A pair of shears indicates dexterity or dexterousness. We can act dexterously during Mer*re to re*pair ore*adjust things. Or we could work humbly like a man felling a tree to re*build something. 

"A little white lamb, a child and a Chinese servant" are repositories of Talents we can use as we please. Easy does it. Simple actions on our part have happy results and engage others in similar services.  

"A celestial choir singing" is our higher Self resonating with the higher Selves of others in veneration of the Supreme. Doing that consciously is a consortium of upliftment and well-being.

"A youth, book in hand, wanders through a glade overhung with the branches of surrounding trees. The sunlight is slanting through them and falling upon the figure of the student." This is a degree of Passive Beauty. 

{Wednesday} ^Renaissance of Talent and Beauty^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Leo

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