Sunday, March 24, 2019

Message for Monday 25 March 2019

Monday 25 March 2019

^Emerging from Chrysalis^  

Moon in Sagittarius

Quietude and peacefulness are important. They can be a cure for too much worry or hurry. 

It is good to be detached, even uncaring about money, gain or prestige. The simple life has its advantages, "A Native American woman selling beads."

Contrary to that is another tendency which is strong but probably held back because circumstances may not allow it. That is a desire to be on the move, travel, and gain through something pretty speculative. This would require more disruption than you can handle at present but might be worth considering for later on.

This adventurous streak seems to be something you can't shake, or shouldn't, because it is somehow destined to come true one way or another, maybe mostly in your mind at present. According to Sepharial, there is "uncertainty, peril, and final success." You "climb a rock in a storm" and getting to the top is more a matter of perseverance than luck. When you reach the top you have security.

Sensing lack means being frugal. Yet what is needed is there. The butterfly emerging from its chrysalis has nothing to be ashamed of even though it seems lame and can't fly. The preliminary crawling around (Mercury retrograde) is prelude to something glorious.

{Monday} ^Emerging from Chrysalis^

Cosmic Piper

P. S. The New York Times has taken to publishing articles or opinion pieces every time Mercury is retrograde making fun of the people who believe it means anything. Science reigns! Mercury never goes backward! (Of course not and no astrologer has ever claimed that; it appears to go backward from geocentric perspective.) Astrologers are total idiots! But then today I read, in the latest column of Maureen Dowd: " I got a call at 3 p.m. on Friday from the Washington electric company telling me that a manhole in front of my house was smoking, that the underground cable to my house had burned up because it was old and that all the power in my house was out." Of course she does not connect this with Mercury retrograde. Just a coincidence! Also, a day or two after the latest NYT debunking of astrology, Facebook was down over large parts of the country for the larger part of two days! Of course that also, according to the received scientific wisdom, was just a coincidence. "Coincidence" appears to be the religion of astrology-haters. 

Did Mercury "cause" Maureen Dowd's house to go powerless, or the cable to burn up? That would be rather silly. The cause of the burning was already there, waiting to happen. Mercury retrograde tends to bring out old issues that need to be REsolved. You could say it is "ripe karma" often. Your car breaks down? Don't blame Mercury; you did not get it tuned up or REpaired at the right time. A kind reader reported here today that a company where she works discovered a horrible error in billing a lot of customers during the MR period. But it had happened before that, and was just discovered then, so that it could be corREcted. The RE words are what goes on, in spades, when Mercury is retrograde (and to a lesser degree afterward until April 16 while Mercury is still slow). We can't blame Mercury or the solar system for the stuff that comes back to us then. "What goes around comes around," and when Mercury chooses to go backward, a lot of stuff indeed "comes around"! But good stuff happens also; see what I wrote about that in Sunday's report.

C P 

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