Friday, July 6, 2018

Message for Saturday 7 July 2018

Saturday 7 July 2018

\Reaching Toward the Constructive/

Moon in Aries-->Taurus
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:10a PT | 3:10a ET | 7:10a UT
until it enters Taurus at 5:52a PT | 8:52a ET | 12:52p UT
Another Dark Hermetic Epoch begins at 6:30p PT | 9:30p ET | 1:30a(Su) UT,
lasting until September 2

The Dark Hermetic Epoch "casts its shadow before" and I felt it on Thursday and Friday in small but noticeable ways. People seeming to be "in the wrong place at the wrong time," for example. Schedules changing. I am writing this much later than usual. I found that I had another task to do in the morning which took much longer than expected. Then I really felt as if I just didn't want to write this. That is typical of the DHE. "Just give up, nothing is working." It is very important to be aware of and resist such tendencies. This can be a two month period of more suicides than usual, of more retirements from jobs or job-quitting, of divorces or separations, and so on. Patience is tested. Some easier course seems better, but when one adopts that easier course, one finds that it is not easier but harder. And so on. I would be remiss if I did not give this warning.

Saturday:  Mysteries. "A blank degree" says Charubel of the sun's position. "Some mystery concerning the number 4 and its square." 

Happenings and things ramify in interesting directions, perhaps inconsequentially unless one can "make something of it."

One may be unambitious and contented. What people get exercised about, in politics or whatnot, may seem irrelevant or going in circles. One prefers to stick with what is definite and simple.

That part of you which is determined to achieve something may continue to demonstrate its prowess, power and skill You may seem gentle as you do it but those who think you are not serious will find out how serious you are. You are loyal to some cause or ideal you want to dramatize.  (Moon conjoined to Uranus and square Mars.) 

People need to be attached to one another in some way which is neither too intimate nor too remote and impersonal. At best, Venus's good minor aspects could bring amiability and mutual sustainment: "Two hands linked in a close grip of friendship."  

{Saturday}  /Reaching Toward the Constructive\

Cosmic Piper

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