Monday, October 14, 2024

Message for Tuesday 15 October 2024 ^Cultivation^

Message for Tuesday 15 October 2024


A dark threatening cloud glowers behind 

A solitary tree upon a rocky height. 

Pride has brought on danger of betrayal.

During the meeting of a literary society


All re-examine their intellectual and aesthetic

Inheritance. Through criticism personal identities are

Re-estimated. Upon the arm of a performer's lyre 

Hangs a wreath of laurels. She is given to the pursuit


And cultivation of the fine arts. Her mind is harmonious,

Gentle and peaceable, free from disquiet and distress.

As the sun rises, a rocky eminence is haloed in divine

Light. Out of it has been carved a cross in stone. 


Spiritual and religious studies make the mind firm and

Dependable. Character is luminous, faithful, secure


{Tuesday} ^Cultivation^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces-->Aries

/void of course at 1:01p PT | 4:01p ET

until entering Aries at  1:35p PT | 4:35p et 

|Karmic sobering third of week ends at 2:21p PT | 5:21p ET

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Message for Monday 14 October 2024 ~Ship Coming~

Message for Monday 14 October 2024

~Ship Coming~

In his room there rests a human skull signifying

His mystical depths of penetration, his occult

Leanings, his liability to melancholy.

It seems at times that he is swimming in an angry 


Sea, resolutely and bravely taking risks upon himself

To help others, the leader of a forlorn hope.

On the shore sits a woman awaiting a sailboat, in

Creative poise. Her quiet range of perspective 


Exalts her destiny. Her ship may come in for her.

She has insight into the drift of circumstances.

The clear blue sky above is soon covered with 

Stars. She gets up to make discoveries, to 


Wander as an explorer over the earth. Pointing lights

Are her guides, a source of cheer and comfort.


{Monday} ~Ship Coming~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces 

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this wk. is with us, at its peak about 11a PT | 2p ET, lasting until Tuesday afternoon

Friday, October 11, 2024

Message for Week of October 12-19, 2024 }Equanimity{

Message for Week of October 12-19, 2024


He is generous like the Sun's rising, yet the lingering

Night and its cold winds conspire against him. 

Two-faced monsters do not recognize him for what he is

But slander him in deception and duplicity.


It's hard to avoid the military battle-field,

Armies engaged in deadly conflict, dangerous

Fighting. He puts on a helmet and grasps a spear.

Of masculine proportions, he makes a good soldier.


His term of duty finished, he applies a sickle to 

A field of ripe corn: Health of body, peace of mind!

H sits down in an inn to be served by a burly man

In an apron, manager of the establishment.


A woman plays on a Welsh harp, sharing with all

Evenness of temper, harmony, boundless equanimity.


{Week of October 12-19, 2024} {Equanimity}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 12: Moon in Aquarius

Sunday 13: Moon in Aquarius until 7:12a PT | 10:12a ET

/then void-of-course until it enters Pisces at 12:56p PT | 3:56p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week begins early Sunday and continues to Tuesday evening, its peak mid-day Monday

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Message for Friday 11 October 2024 }The Interesting DJT{

Message for Friday 11 October 2024

}The Interesting DJT{

Continuing with a fesymbols from Donald Trump's birth-chart (the Borelli-Sepharial symbols): 

Moon, Sagittarius 21-22: Two arrows crossed: An aggressive spirit, a mind given over to contention and strife, a soul set against the current of public feeling and opinion. Such an one will be continually engaged in the pursuit of his own eccentricities. There is danger of litigation and a volant end. [Two assassination attempts so far.]

Venus, Cancer 25-26: A meteor or falling star. His position in life will be always subject to reversals and changes and his success will not be lasting. If he should attain to eminence he will be in danger of a fall. It is a degree of Uncertainty

These two symbols have played out already with the endless litigation to which DJT has been subject. The last two symbols for today are from a formula I devised over the years to choose the two most prominent symbols in any individual's chart:

Moon's south node (south because the moon is gibbous), 20-21 Sagittarius: Two triangles interlaced, with a third superposed. The index of a mind of more than average ability. The conquest of things mental and spiritual will be a chief object. A balance of physical and mental forces, holding the power to utilize them to considerable extent. It gives aptitude for the study of the social sciences, and confers ability for self-government and rulership.

Saturn, Cancer 23-24: A strong castle on a high rock, and upon the battlements of the castle a flag with a crown upon it is extended in the wind. A strong, masterly character of great endurance, ability and daring; ambitious of honor and capable of withstanding his enemies while achieving greatness and fame for himself. It is a degree of Mastery

No prediction about the election! 

{Friday} {The Interesting DJT}

Moon in Capricorn goes void-of-course at 8:54a PT | 11:54a eT until it enters Aquarius at 9:32a PT | 11:32a e

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Message for Thursday 10 October 2024 \Storms and DJT's Hospitality/

Message for Thursday 10 October 2024

\Storms and DJT's Hospitality/

Th weather chaos has been extraordinary while Mars has been in the sign of its fall, Cancer, a water sign, from September 4 through November 3, a full two months. Milton is scheduled to land in Florida a few hours from now as I write. Mars is in the sign of its detriment and the sign of the home. Disruption to homes has been rampant, especially while Mars is also squire the sun and Mercury in Libra, an air sign (hurricanes, tornadoes), September 10 - November 7. Those who are out of the path of the storms may have other household issues to deal with.

I interrupted the report on Donald Trump's chart last week. Here is a little more:

In Mar a Lago he is protected from the storm. He is in the hospitality industry, Trump Towersand here is one symbol from his chart, the Borelli-Sepharial symbol for his Jupiter position: "A well-lighted house with open door." "He will grow to be much beloved for his open-handedness and sincerity of feeling. He will be both prosperous and happy, and rejoice in the company of his fiends. It is a degree of Hospitality." Even critics of astrology must admit that this applies to Trump. It is a joy to see him buying hamburgers for dozens of folk, and many individuals have testified to his personal generosity 

I am not predicting thelection, but want to clear up many misunderstandings of the man promulgated by impatient critics who do not have the advantage of knowing about his horoscope

{Thursday} /Storms and DJT's Hospitality\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Message for Wednesday 9 September 2024 \Imaginative Sentiments/

Message for Wednesday 9 September 2024

\Imaginative Sentiments/

Behind a solitary tree on a rocky height is a dark,

Threatening cloud. Enemies could make for isolated

Feelings, or pride summon up betrayal.

A buffalo standing on an eminence, pawing the ground


And snorting, knows neither restraint nor law,

Suffering privations to maintain independence.

Gondoliers in a serenade are manifesting the 

Exuberant music of life itself, a symphony of co-operative


Relationships. Human society is consummated

Through sentiments imaginatively expressed.

At the end of the day all are welcome to enter,

Through an open door, a well-lighted house.


Th best of fare entertains friends and acquaintances

Through sincerity of feeling and hospitality.


{Wednesday} /Imaginative Sentiments\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn beginning at 2:39a PT | 5:39a eastern time (void-of-course in Sagittarius before that)

Monday, October 7, 2024

Message for Tuesday 8 October 2024 ^Ceremonial^

Message for Tuesday 8 October 2024


A horse, saddled and bridled, is galloping away

Without a rider. Equestrian and other adventures 

Have possibly dangerous outcomes. The clear blue

Sky is covered with stars. A wanderer beneath it 


Stays not long in one place. His numerous gifts

Include the power of discovering exploration.

When he approaches the ocean he sees rising upon

Its waters a Sun symbolizing elevation and coming


Honors. Long oriental voyages could bring him fortune 

And distinction. In some field his illumination is 

Celebrated. Widespread connections make him welcome

At many marriage ceremonies. His conformity to 


Custom, service to ritual, brings facets of

Human living into unified organic fulfillment. 


{Tuesday} ^Ceremonial^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic third of this week| ends at 0:26a(W) PT | 3:26a(W) ET 

/moon goes void-of-course at 10:55p PT | 1:55a(W) ET